Sunday, January 28, 2018

Just pictures this week. (Written on 3/4/18)

 hey fam! i am the worst and didnt write a group email and only have 10 minutes left lol. it was a good week i swwear!  solo is great!  My cmpanion is aweseome!  and I love the Lord!!  itu saja!  sorry!  i will jsut send pics ya? (:

1) Sister Cardon emailed me before she got on the mission adn now we're in the same zone!
2) me and shiu
3) Sisters in Jawa Tengah
4) we matched with the Zone Leaders for PLD!
5) Solo Squad

1) this family is AMAZING.  the father wants to be baptized!
i'll tell ya story later
2) lol i am vain and am feeling myself this dress was only 7 dollars yall!  
have a nice week! <3

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