Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Christmas Email (written on 12/24/17)

    This will be a quick one, I want to skype with my fam. 

    I jsut want to testify of how much Heavenlly Faher Loves us. this last week was the best week ever!  we are white washing but that didnt dimmer our faith we found 16 new investigators this week! i've never found that many before in a week and we only did that in FOUR DAYS (bc of the way transfers were) SO LEGIT, and THEN we fasted too for our investigaors (if yall know me i am a terrible faster i complain wayy to much, but i tried not to this time) and by the end of the day we found out we actually had TWO investigators at church!!!!  YALL.  MY WARD HERE IN SOLO IS THE BIGGEST WARD IN INDONESIA!!!  I'M IN A WARD AGAIN!! It's been sooo long! IT WAS PACKED LIKE LITERALLY PACKED WE LITERALLY DIDNT KNOW OUR INVESTIGATORS WERE THERE!!! SO CRAZY THE LORD IS GOOD MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL!

    I do hope we can all remember what's truly important this Christmas season.  and it's the birth of our beloved Savior.  I love Him so much and i'm so grateful i'm serving Him here in Indonesia.  
    Have a nice week yall! <3 Sister Rowntree

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