Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rain rain go away.

Halo Keluarga dan Teman terkasihku <3
 lol this email lhas nothing to do with rain 

Let me tell yall of one miracle from this week.  It was monday and we were on our way to the mall to celebrate sister wasitosari's 20th birthday and my tire bocor(ed)!  bocor means like... i actuallly dont know the translation in english but my tire was flat.  so we found this bengkel (tire fixing thingy) and a lady came out, she put air in my tire and usually i would just give her her seribu (1000) rupia (which is like equivelant to less than 10 cents) and go but then i started talking to her and it turns out she was catholic!  she said we could come back.
we went back on wednesday i think, and she just POURED out her soul to us.  Her life is so sad and she has so many trials to overcome, but that's exactly what the gospel is for!  to help us overcome our burdens and come unto christ!  we didn't even share the restoration, she had soo many good questions!  she's like "when i go to this church, the pastor says "descend holy ghost!"(sorry it makes more sense in indonesian)  and everyone around me starts "speaking in the language of the spirit" or dancing and crying, and I am just sitting there, why dont I feel the spirit like them?" and we discusseed about how the holy spirit truly feels like,  He's not this gust of wind that enters into us like most of the christians believe here,  in order to feel the spirit we need to  be reverent because he speaks through a still small voice.  we promised her if she came to church she would feel the Holy Ghost, she would feel peace and all of the fruits of the spirit that's described in Galatians 5.  she accepted a book of mormon too.  
we went to see her again on saturday and we taught her the restoration, she is so open about it, and I know she is the elect of God, because she acts, she reads what we give her and she listens with a sincere heart, she is trying to find the truth.  turns out she couldnt coome to church yesterday lol, she was sick, but she is still a miracle to me <3  she listened to us, and she wants to find Christ, and that's why I'm here, to invite others to come unto Him.
Next week is zone conferences again, which i am stoked for! so i'm sure my next email will be more spiritual and exciting lol. sorry yall,  it was a normal week again.  it rains all the time, the food is so good here too, apa ya... we're just doing the usual ya know?  Just pray for Sister Shiu and I and for our investigators that they'll be ready to follow Jesus Christ fully and enter the waters of baptism!  
I know Russel M. Nelson is our living Prophet today. I have no doubts about that.  I heard Him speak in the MTC and his words saved my life, saved my mission.  He said "The Lord is not disappointed in those who continuously and consciously try to repent evereyday." It gave me so much hope and to this day still does.  We will never be perfect in this life, but we can turn from evil and change our hearts and turn to God and walk with Him everyday.  I love Heavenly Father and I know that He loves me, and I know that you and I are enough, we just have to try!  Love yall!  Have a good week! <3  Sister Rowntree

1) here are our messy desks
2) these cute kids like to learn english
3) lol this is our SASSIEST investigator so we probably look more like this when we teach him xD
4) just kidding we love him
5)  we were playing DONT EAT PETE

1&2) studying face
3) i dont even know
4) THIS STORY IS CRAZY YALL. so.  i bought a way crappy bike lock, like the key youo have to SHOVE to get it to work so iwas trying to unlock our bikes NAD I BROKE THE KEY IN HALF IT JSUT SNAPPED we were soooooooooooo far form our house and we're like OH MY GOSH. WE'RE STUCK HERE WERÉ GONNA DIE HERE OUR BIKES OUR LOCKED FOR FOREVER AND THENNNN
5) these two men came and saved us xDDDD soooo funny!!! 

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