Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Last Area! (Written on 12/17/17)

woah. what a week yall.
1. my poor child has TYPHOID FEVER!!! kasihan sekali, she's been out all week.
suuuuch a surprise i truly thought i had a least one more transfer here in surabaya before i moved to my last area... o.o  I'm surprised I'm not finishing my child's training, i'm going to miss Sister Toala so much. ):
so... i'm moving to SOLO!  I'm finally going to serve in Jawa Tengah! (central java)  I've been in Jawa Timur (East Java) since APRIL (besides that one month in Jakarta)  I will be the only  Sister Training Leader in jawa tengah, Sister Bourelle will be the only one in jawa timur and sister tanner will be the only one in jawa barat as far as I know.  So there's only 3 which will be so weird for MLC, but if it's the Lord's will, let it be.
My new companion: Sister Shu Ku Mar
from:  Australia
Ethnicity: Samoan!  (another one!!)
She was trained by Sister Hyde! I think she's already been on her mission for 6 months.. i'm not 100% sure, I'll find out Tuesday when I get there!
I think she'll be my last companion, which is so weird to think about, like, it's freaking me out O.o didn't  i just get to indonesia?  we will also be white washing (aka not having a CLUE where ANYTHING is!)  so exciting! Miracles are gonna happen! and get this.  I'm moving into my IBU'S HOME WARD!!!!  (mission mom)  Sister Jatmikko!!  I'm soOO PUMPED!
I am so grateful for the time i have had here in Surabaya, it was such a fast 3 months, I'm truly going to miss the beloved members here, (i couldn't say goodbye to them bc hi my poor child is dying in bed)  but the elders sent them my love.  Surabya is a city just full of miracles, I'm leaving sister bourelle and toala an areabook PACKED full of new PROGRESSIVE investigators.  I'm just so excited for them to find more miracles and to help all the people we've found the last 3 months enter the waters of baptism.  There was a time I felt like we were working so hard and it seemed like nothing good was happening, but because we never gave up, the Lord blessed us with the priveldge to teach Sister Tutuk and Vero for about a month before they were baptized.  so beautiful.
So president rowley has asked us all to make personal goals for 2018 regarding  baptisms.  when i first started thinking and pondering what I and the Lord could do together personally for the 4 short months in 2018, the first number that popped into my head was 8.
when you compare the Indonesia Jakarta mission to let's say... the phillipines or south america... ya maybe our baptisms aren't as high. our goal for the year of 2017 was 180 baptisms, i know of countries taht baptize 200 a month.  but numbers don't put a damper on the faith of us missionaries here in indonesia, i have learned so much this past year+ and have grown so much that I was confident with the lord's help 8 baptisms is possible before I go.  and then i get a transfer call, that i'm moving to solo.  (earlry this week iwas in jakarta on tuesday to renew my visa ((I GOT TO SEE THE OLD MTC CREW!!) But also President showed us a chart of the highest baptizing cities and the lowest.))  do you know what city is the lowest?  yup the one i'm moving to, and at first i was like. oh crap. I'm gonna have to change my personal goal, make it lower,  BUT WHAT KIND OF FAITH IS THAT??  I know that even tho sister Shu and I will be new and we only have a couple of weeks left before the new year begins we will find those people who will want to follow jesus christ.  They're out  there, i just know if we work our hardest and do everything we can with Lord we can achieve our goals!  I'm pumped for solo and the new challenges to come.  I dont want to walk away from the mission with any regrets, we're going to give it our all.
hmm.. i dont think there's much else to say,  I just want to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon again. holy cow, reading the book of mormon  with our investigators is so cool, like we give em homework right, invite them to read it and pray, and when they dont instead of going into our next planned lesson we read with them.  we did that with this one family and it was just so beautiful, you could literally feel the power coming from the words in the Book of Mormon, and it softened Pak M's heart<3 I love the book of Mormon and I know it's the word of God and I think we should all do everything we can to share the happiness we feel from the book of Mormon with our friends.
2 Nephi 32:3  "Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."  I know that's true, I know we can all become more in tuned with the spirit when we take the time to read and ponder and apply the teachings of Christ from the Book of Mormon in our lives.  Have a nice week yall, Saya mengasihi anda semua<3
-Sister Rowntree

1)ibu tutuk's and mbak Vero's baptism (:  (we went to their house on saturday and it was sooo hard to say goodbye ): )
2) ibu tutuk tells me to tell my mom that i have another mama in indonesia (':
3)  lol hot and sweaty and tired missionaries

lol we just took this in the angkot, we cant walk or bike anywhere cuz siter toala is still dying! xD

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