Tuesday, January 2, 2018


What a week!  I can't believe the transfer is coming to an end!  This transfer just FLEW by and now I'm stressed cuz I think I have only 3 transfers left................ like....... what.  I remember when my home girl Caitlin was at that point when she was still the the Phillipines and i was like, oh wow i have sooooo long until that point.  o.o um.... k. 
this also means my child is half way done iwth her training!  I'm so proud of her,  tonight (sunday night) i had to pipis at indomaret and when i came out she was CONTACTING someone by herself! i was so proud!! annnnnd yesterday
IBU TUTUK AND MBAK VERO WERE BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!  and today that got confirmed (':  You can just see the LIGHT in their eyes!  it's the most beautiful heart warming thing in this world i am so happy for them.
and i CANNOT believe i've already been in surabaya for 3 month!  nggak terasa sama sekali!!  time is so weird and now i'm kinda stressed cuz my 21st birthday is coming up and i'm like, wait, wasn't i just 18 yesterday?  i'm old now.  and years go by so fast.  it's way stressful and you dont realize (well at leasat i never have) how fast time goes by until you're serving the Lord and everything is like a blink of an eye.
okay sorry for the rant.  we had really cool miracles this week!  we met this AMAZING man on tuesday i think.  Here's his background.
He used to not be christian  and then he got married and became christan, but at church he would just sleep and he said he wanted to find the right one that would bring him peace. he said i've tried them all.  i found one (the one he's at) but i'm still searching.  COOL. and 2.  He's like, Oh ya i know who you are, i've been looking for the book of mormon ever since i saw a sister missionary preaching about it to a bunch of people at indomaret.  "saya menarik"  like "i was drawn towards it, or interested"  but i was with my friend and didnt want tto start anything. i asked myself, wow is waht she is saying true? i want to read it for myself to know.  but if it's the lord's time he'll lead me to it again.
AND THEN HE SAID  "I knew who you were when you were standing outside by my house (oh ya, btws, we had his wife's name as a referal so we went to find her, but they werent home, and then the holy ghsot spoke through our stomachs again and we ate this yummy unhealthy banana bread stuff by his house and got distracted instead of leaving and then he and his daughter showed up.)  I wanted to say something, but i said no, if it's the Lord's time he'll bring you to me."  now pause.  right after we saw his motorcycle enter into his house, sister toala and i were like, "aw crap, this is akward, mabye next time what if he thinks were weird." aka, satan came and tried to convince us not to knock again,  but we said to ourselves, "really? is awkwardness going to stop you frmo bringing salvation to this family."  so we knocked, he comes out and i try to spill out the schpeel all awkwardly cuz i was feeling sheepish and i didn't even finish whatever the crud i was saying and he's like. "come in."  (((: so long story short, this man is so prepared and he loves readin about other religions and he's been searching for the book of mormon for like 5 months, he's so humble and amazing.  this was just such a testimony builder for me becvause we can apply this to real life.  When the holy ghost tells us to do something we need to follow that first prompting.  If sister toala and i gave into our natural man and said eh maybe next time we would've never met him!! I know that heavenly father puts us places for a reason, everything we do in life should be to help others come to know the true gospel of jesus chrsit, so when you're traveling by bus or plane or you're in line at subway, open your mouth and be friendly and let other people see the light of christ in you. He needs you. just trust in Him he's always with you.
also.  HIDE YO KIDS, HIDE YO WIVES, READ YO SCRIPTURES AND REPENT YALL. JESUS IS COMIN. did you hear the news???? ISRAEL HAS MOVED IT'S CAPITAL TO JERUSALEM!!  i swear on my life this is another sign of Christ's second comin yall for real for real.  we were even warned here cuz hi we're in the largest Islamic country in the world so we have to take caution on who we try to invite to repent and come unto christ ya know, not a big deal, but what is a big deal is that YALLS BEST BE GETTIN YO LIVES TOGETHA HE'S ON HIS WAY YALL. It just makes calling people to repentance even more fun! 
hmmm.. what else exciting happened this week.... oh i know.  so much drama, goodness gracious, we are having to drop so many of our investigators that we've been teaching since like september, and i've been having such  a hard time, I just cried and cried, and to be honest, i'm not that much of a charitable person, it's been a weakness of mine my whole mission of not completely having that pure love of christ inside 100% example... soometimes i let the sass out with invesigators that irritate me or are sassy with me... ya christ would never do that i need to fix that.   but MAN sister toala and i havent prayed so hard and planned so prayerfully before and it seems like all of the people we love are just following into the abyss of darkness bc they've stopped reading the book of mormon so they're not feeling the spirit anymre and they refuse to come to church and it's like.  what else can we do if they're not willing to act?  I just cried and cried, knowing we'd have to just leave it in heavenly father's hands and take that leap of faith and leave them for the other missionaries in the future.  i surprised myself, i'm like, woah i guess i do really care about these people and i really care for their salvation..
well. that's pretty much it for this week.  I love the mission, I love serving the Lord, I'm trying everyday to become closer to him, to strengthen my testimony of His reality and love.  I'm so grateful for His atonement.  His grace is real and it's sufficient for all of us who try our best and repent everyday.  I love you all, have a good week!
<3/ Sister Rowntree

1) sister tutuk (:
2) new followers of Jesus Christ (:
3) typical tired sweaty sister missionaries
4) lol this is sister toala's words "this is a typical sister rowntree pose, on the phone looking at her nails with sass." 

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