Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year (written on 12/31/17)

Hey yall happy new year!
I dont haave much to say for this week, and yall are gonna get my christmas email from last week anyways!  
this week was great, i love solo, my companion is amazing, i went on splits with the other sisters in solo and we learned a lot about faith this week.

Sister Shiu and i have noticed we need a lot more faith lol.  we will keep working hard tho even when the rejections come.  hmmm... apa lagi ya..?   

ya that's pretty much it,  thanks for all the birthday wishes!  tomorrow is MLC so i hope there's cake there (;  Indonesia rules,  the church is true, read your scriptures, do the little things to strengthen your testimony and develop a better relationship with your Heavenly Father, I know He loves us all just try to draw near to Him just a little bit more and you'll feel His love!  The Book of Mormon is the word of God and it will change your life! 

oh ya i just remembered. I'm trying to memorize The Living Christ, it is so beautiful and such an inspired document. I want to challenge you all to ponder it, you don't have to memorize it, but studying it will help you understand the Savior more, i testify that's true.  as i ponder the words each morning or recite them while biking through solo I feel closer to Him.  I love Him.

Have a great week yall! <3
1) cute sisters in solo jebres
2) sister wasitosari dari Indonesia and Sister Daclan dari the phillipines!!
3) christmas morning breakfast!
4) sister Shiu and i snuck out on christmas mornign at 5:30 am to surpriise the other sisters with breakfast!

 1) these sweet muslim girls helped us when we got lost for an hour to get back to chruch ahah!!
2&3) beautiful solo!!!


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