Sunday, January 7, 2018

No subject LOL

Hey fam!  
Gimana kabarnya?

My heart goes out to President Thomas S. Monsons family..  When President Rowley called me and told me the news it didnt really hit me until later that night, we have a picture of the prophet in our room hanging up.  and i just cried, I will miss our beloved Prophet, He was an amazing man, so full of love and righteousness.  He was my childhood Prophet, it's still so shocking,  I have been used to saying for the past 14 months that I know that Thomas S. monson is God's living prophet.  I will substain Him forever and I love him dearly.  I will support and substain the new prophet in April as well, I know this is Christ church, and I know that God has always called prophets to help His children and He still does today <3

I'm trying my best to remember all that has  happened this week....
It was just another normal week, we found 8 new investigators, 2 want to be baptized in February, they're miracles.

It still rains like crazy almost everyday, sometimes I feel like it gets as cold as malang at night here.

OH YA.  I went to MLC on Tuesday and got to see 3 of my past companions! <3  they all gave me birthday presents too it was so sweet.  :')  Sister Bourelle gave me a CAT MIRROR SO CUTE!!!  It's weird cuz sister Bourelle and I are the oldest of the STL's now..  my MTC companion Sister Fuglsang and Malang comapnion Sister Ratunuman are the new STL's in Jakarta, it was so good to see everyone. AND MY CHILD SHOWED UP, so that was so cool to see Sister Toala again.

MLC is basically a realllly long meeting (from 1-9) of President roasting us (;  I'm just kidding, we discuss the needs of our mission and what we can do as leaders to help our young missionaries. It's so fun!

OH ya oh ya, so the zone leaders and I, when we got back from Jakarta we had to immediately go to the church (luggage and all) for DTM (District Training Meeting(which is held every Wedneseday))  we were STARVING so we just grabbed a crap piece of fried  chicken to eat before the meeting started, and when the sisters got there,  They started singing and brought out A SPONGEBOB CAKE FOR MY BDAY!!  i literally cried it was so beautiful.  I'll attach a pic of the beautiful master piece!

seriously yall should see my BR (book of rememberance)  sooo many missionaries have drawn BEAUTIFUL pictures of spongebob and patrick for me bc eVERYONE knows how much i love spongebob and sometimes I worry i quote spongebob more in a day than i do scriptures..  it was a good day.

oh ya!  and then!  my ibu (sister jatmiko(who trained me))  is home for the holidays and she gave me this cute gold necklace with a bike on it from like a called to serve store or something SO SWEET (':  and yummy cheese bread.  she is the best and sister Shiu Kumar and I are finding her friends and her parents friends to teach!  they're an amazing family and they're always ready to help share the gospel with us.

Have yall heard the new song There is Peace in Christ for the youth theme this year? It's my new favorite song (i made a video of me singing it with the ukelele and hopefully it will load :P  )  but seriously the words are so beautiful and bring me peace to my soul.  as i sing it in my head throughout the day it really helps me stay focused on my purpose and who i am serving.  like for example, if we're trying to ask for directions and the person is not helping at all and just being irritating usually ya, i would get irritated lol.  BUT THEN,  the words come into my head and I ask myself, okay, what would christ do in this situation how would he treat this person.. or in teaching situations when the natural man in  me wants to become frustrated when our investigators arent' keeping their commitments etc..  I have to stop and thnk, and listen to the spirit, and see them the way christ does.  He truly does bring us peace in life. I am so grateful for our Savior, I've been trying to reflect more often and be grateful for his atoning sacrifice, to feel the love He felt for me as He bore my sins.  Repentance is real yall, all because of Him,  He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind.  If we just come unto Him He truly will heal your sorrows, mend your broken heart and give you strength when you can't go on.  I love Him and I'm so grateful to be serving Him in this beautiful country of Indonesia.  

I hope you all can find little ways to share the gospel with your friends, maybe like, sharing a cute mormon message that can warm the heart of a friend who's not a member, or is having a hard time. Heavenly Father has given us so much and so many different ways we can share our faith with others!  Give it a try!  Love you all and have a nice week! <3

-Sister Rowntree

1)  me and my amazing comapnion!! <3
2)  I'm 21 and cant drink, but i can drink chattime (:
3) the necklace my ibu gave me


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