Sunday, January 14, 2018

Normal week

Hey fam!
I dont have a lot to say this week... sorry.... it was a normal week, it was kind of hard, so my faith just needs to be boosted and next week will be better.  we did have this cool experience where we taught the seminary kids how to be missionaries with technology.  there were 6 kids, and we ended up getting 40 names from them who have potential to receive the gospel!  it was so cool, but it's not us that are going to their friends, it's them, we're teaching them not to be afraid and learnr how to share what matters most to them to their friends!
I know the gospel has been restored, I know Joseph Smith really was called by God.  I know Heavenly Father loves us and cares about us, and I'm so grateful for His Son Jesus Christ and for all He's done for each and every one of us.  I want to challenge all of you as well, think of your friends and family memebers who haven't received the gospel, or who are going through a rough time, i know sometimes it's scary to share our testimonies in person or we feel nervous.. but through social media we can light the world!  there are HUNDREDS of beautiufl mormon messages that are for everybody, and sharing something like that with our friends on facebook or instagram or through texting will help them feel the holy ghost!  I know we can all be missionaries and it's what the Lord wants us to do, help our brothers and sisters come closer to Him.  Love you all!
-Sister Rowntree
) my ward is the best and sent me this cute christmas card
2)  the best comp ever!

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