Monday, March 19, 2018

Typical Week (written on 2/4/18)

Hey fam,  lol i have nothing much to say sorry sorry!
gimana ya...?  It's like, ya we have miracles, it's so great but it's just normal ya know, do yall want to hear about the miracles or what we teachh or like, what, i feel like my emails are getting boring for yall.. let me know what you want to hear.

but i'll give you: Day in the Life in Solo, for today saja.

sooo, we wake up everyday at 6:20ish and stretch and at 6:30 we're all working out as a household, the sisters have made me their like, drill sargent or something it's funny.  we do Kayla Itsine's bikini body workout, man it kills ya but it's keeping us in shape!  around 7 we all have to take turns to shower and make breakfast etc.. at by 7:45 we are already planning for the day.
sometime planning takes forever, we're trying to plan more prayerfully for our investigators, around 8:30 we study personally for an hour from teh book of mormon, preaech my gospel etc.. that's my favorite part of the morning, and then at 9:30 we role play or discuss our investigators agaian and try to perfect our lesson plans.
we have to be out the door at 10, and we're out teaching the restored gospel until 9.  it's awesome.  it still rains everyday, and ya know, there's not as many nasty homeless cats around here in solo, i can touch them they're so cute. we're trying to focus on seeing the members more, we're trying to find the less actives and part member families, if we gain the members trust they're more likely to give us their friends and family members as referals, and then we can work together to help their loved ones come unto jesus christ.

I love the members here in solo so much, it's already been a month and a half and we still dont know everyone's names, we're in the biggest ward in indonesia!  there are soooo many pioneers here in solo, it's beautiful. I think the church first got here in the late 60's, the church is still young and growing, bt seriously, the members here are so amazing, their testimonies are so amazing.

we had one miracle investigator come to church, he's the boyfriend of a youth member, they're so cute, and after church he wanted to know more about missionary work, so we brought him and his girlfriend and her brother together and we taught him about our church. it was amazing, the member is only 17 and her brother is like 14 and their testimonies were SO BEAUTIFUL, they are so strong like, i think back when i was 17 and i thought i knew the gospel and knew what i was talking about, um no. i didnt lol.  I'm just baffled at the youth here in indonesia, i cant even describe to yall how much they lvoe the lord and the gospel of jesus christ.  (': they really inspire me.

okay for the spiritual side of things, i had the coolest experience in my personal study this week, i read Joseph Smith History v: 1-20 and rereading his experience was so powerful.  I felt so much peace while reading his testimony.  I know Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of god. I know he saw heavenly father and the lord jesus christ and I know he was called to restore the true church of jesus christ.  I want to invite all yall if you havent read JSH in awhile, read it. ponder it. let us not forget how truly amazing the message of the Restoration is. dont forget how special and true of the reality of our unique message. sometimes i think back before the mission and I would unconsciously become ungrateful little by little, kinda like, shrugging off the restoration like öh ya, its cool."but we should alwyas feel in deep gratitude to our Heavenly Father for caring enough about us to resotre His Son's living gospel again upon the earth.  Our church is so cool yall, and it's true, i know it is.  I love you all, have a good week! <3/ Sister Rowntree

1) this fab skirt was like 5 dollars, i had it made here!
2)  these noodles were only 2000 rupia.. do you know what that is in dollars??  LIKE 18 CENTS WEEEE SO CHEAP!
3)  a cute fam we found in the rain <3
4) riding in a beicak while our bikes were getting serviced

whoops there blurry soz lol.
1) for like a good week and a half eveyr night we played phase 10 sooo fun
2) interviews for zone conference
3) best rekan (comp) ever! 

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