Monday, March 19, 2018

Beauty (written on 2/11/18)

Hey fam!  Kabarnya?
woooahhh what a week, where do i even begin.
1.  ME AND SISTER SHIU KUMAR WENT TO SEMARANG!  woot woot!  road trip!  (the bus ride was actually terrible i literally suffered from motion sickness for like 4 days straight seriously, just hinking about the bus makes me want to gag.)  BUT the bus ride ther was SOOOOO SICK!  we were literally taking this huuuge bus on these cool winding small roads going through small under developed villages and JUNGLES YALL, in the mountains it was soooo pretty!  you're probably wondering why the crud we went there, well. i'll tell ya.
sooo because I'm a sister training leader I get to go on splits to train the younger sisters!  soo the sisters in Semarang were struggling and Sister Shiu and I got permission to go to their area and help them out. it was awesome! I love serving the sisters in my zone. also semarang was sooooo beautiful, its literally like San Fransisco but Indonesian style, it's just full of hills, and Sister Cardon and I biked up this HUUUUUUGE hill it literally took me like 5 minutes to get up it, oh my goodness i was dead, but once we got to the top BOOM BANG BEAUTY, it was soo cool, literally there is so much wind in Semarang just liek San Fran and you could look out and see alllll of the hills that are just FULL and LUSh with green jungly plants so so cool yall.  it was so fun!
2.  Tekad2 (commitments)  in this case, baptismal commitments, I've been so bad at keeping yall up to date with our investigators here, but we had 2, (putting emphasis on the had) 1. Jeni, she's from Kupang!  the first time we met her she wanted to get baptized, didnt come to church, showed up at her house again, she read her introduction to the book of mormon homework read one first in moroni 10:4, says she knows the book of mormon is true, wants to choose her baptismal date, ANNNNND. doesnt come to church. .___.  we're working on it. and 2.  Rosa ):  shes 12, shes so sweet, and we've been trying to teach her, her mom is less active she came to church quite a few times when sister shiu and i first got her, and then yesterday, her mom texted us and said "she doesn't want to learn mormon anymore" </3 i was so crushed. like. benaran.  I was depressed all yesterday )':  we still went to work, but man,  it just breaks my heart, please pray for her by name that she will realize that this is what she needs.
3. I FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON!  woo!  I love it! okay, i'm gonna be honest, yall might think this is crazy....  but it's the fist time i've finsished it on the mission o.O  i've already been out 15 months.... lol.  BUT yall have to know that i've started over reading the book of mormon like 6 different times while i've been serving, for different reasons, so now i can finally continue my Indonesian book of mormon reading again.  its 800 pages in indonesian. way fun.  
Ya, i know the book is true, it is so clear and simple, and there is so much power in the book, this verse that i read yesterday literally smacked me right in the face in Moroni 8:16 Ï fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." dang!  isn't that so powerful?  we can all apply this in our lives, whatever trials, stagese in life, apa pun!  this sentence has power.  Especially as latter day saints, as the world turns more and more away from God, and makes that which is evil to look good, we have to stand up for our beliefs! We have to be strong true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel!  we need not fear any man, and their precepts, for the Love of God casteth out all fear! His way is what matters.  Not what the magazines and media say,  His way is happiness.  "Wickedness never was happiness." I know these things are true, and I hope you will all take Moroni's exhortions to heart.  Ask God, in the name of Jesus Christ, with a sincere heart, and real intent, and He will manifest the truth of these things through the power of the holy ghost!
Änd by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." Moroni 10:5 <3
Have a nice week!  <3//: Sister Rowntree   

   (No pictures)

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