Monday, March 19, 2018

Miracles upon miracles (written on 2/18/18

Keluarga dan Teman terkasihku!  Apa Kabar?
HOLY COW.  Sister Shiu and I worked sO hard this week, I can't wait to take a nap later today this fine PDAY.  where do i even begin??
it was just full of miracles!  we found 2 new investigators this week through members!  one is the sweetest 14 year old girl, and when she was younger she used to come to primary with her member friend! so cool!  she said she'd come next week, and we'll be seeing her again this tuesday.
The other is a member's boyfriend, we've taught him before  but last week He couldn't come but yesterday he did so we got to teach him again!!  IT WAS SUCH A GOOD LEESSON YALL. teaching with members is so so sooo effective,  apa ya, it's like, with the members testimony, it brings so much power and love to the lesson. we watched joseph smith's first vision, his girllfriend gave the most beautiful testimony and we asked him, why would god call another prophet?  (i dont know how to translate his answer in english maaf) but it was a good one, we testified that god still loves us , and he's the same, he called prophets before and he still speaks to us through them today!  we told him as he comes to know that these things are true, we will invite him to be baptized, and guess what. HE'S NEVER BEEN BAPTIZED BEFORE!!! he's already 16!  MIRACLE!  he says this is a big decision for Him, but i know that as he reads the book of mormon, prays, and keeps coming to church (along with being nutured by the bishops family) he will know it's the right thing to do.  such a blessing to be able to teach this young man. (':
WE HAD 4 PEOPLE TO CHURCH THIS WEEK!!  yall.  the last 6 weeks we have had NONE come to church, it was definitely the trial of mine and sister Shiu's faith! but we didnt give up!  the past month and a half we have been fasting every saturday for these people, we love them so so much and FINALLY we saw the miracles come!  it's such a testimony builder to me that twhen we do all that we can and trust in the lord, IN HIS TIMING, the things we righteously desire will come!
we have 2 investigators on date for baptism, they FINALLY came to church, we taught the wife last night about the word of wisdom and she is soO down to follow it, it was hilarious actually she immediately accepted it.  
if yall dont know, the word of wisdom is a HUGE problem here in Indonesia, evvvvvvvvvvvvveryone smokes, drinks tea and coffee and so forth, so that was a miracle<3
we have one more investigator on date, Kak J, she is still so sweet and her desire to change and find jesus christ is so pure <3  it's just getting her to church. .___.  BUT she prayed overe her baptismal date and she chose the 18th!  that's the date sister shiu and i prayed over too!!  revelation yall. it's a sign, so we're going to do everything that we can to help her prepare to enter into the wateres of baptism!
solo is a miracle city!  I love it her more and more each day!  I am so grateful for the mission experience!  I love teaching people about Jesus Christ, I love Him.  I know He lives and that He loves us, He knows us, and desires each of us to come unto Him.  Repentance is real, through the atonement we really can become saints, better people, better prepared to meet God. I heard a cool quote the other day,  "Repentance means that you truly feel sorry and  you are truly commited to change, that's when repentance happens."(it's something along the lines of that lol.)  sometimes we may look at our lives and see all the things we're lacking, what we struggle with, like our personal sins that we haven't sacrificed yet.. but with Heavenly Father's help we truly can.  When we truly feel sorrow for the things we've done wrong, and truly commit to change and sacrifice that sin and leave it behind, he will give us the strength to overcome that flaw, weakness, or sin.  I know it's true!  the gospel is awesome! I am so grateful to know that Our Savior's gospel is a gospel of change and becoming better.  I hope yall will have a good week!  Thanks for the love and Support! 
Sampai jumpa lagi <3 sister rowntree
sorry no pics again i litearlly cant find my card raedr anywhere lol! (:

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