Sunday, March 25, 2018

17 months!

Yup, today hits the 17 months mark!  
so weird.
well we had to drop Pak D a couple of days ago, it was very heart breaking. I hope He will continue to read and pray about the book of mormon.
buuuut Mas W is so awesome! we taught him the gospel of jesus christ.  the only thing thtas holding him back form baptism is the fact he hasnt told his parents about us yet........  well.... thats his hoemwork for this week. to pray for the courage and strength to bare his testimony to his parents that He wants to follow jesus chrsit. please pray for him and his parents that their hearts will be softened and he will be able to choose for himself!
i am still loving solo with all of my heart. espcecially the members! i cherish theem so much. they're my family now.  i love myc ompanion, i learn great things from her everyday.
oh ya, i dont htiink i told yall last week, but since we are lacking in sisters, as the STL in jawa tengah, i'm overwatching the sisters in jawa timur (like malang surabaya and manado) ((no i dont get to fly and split over there)) but i get to talk to more sisters weekly and help strengthen them!

we traveled to klaten this week too, it's a miracle story. so we found a part member family, and the father has bene inactive for agggggesssss, they are not progressing, but hten we met his sister who has been incactive for agessssssssss and she changed religions... she invited us to her brother who has been inactive for aggeesssssssss and he lives in klaten. it took us an houra nd a half in a car to get there, thats sooo far from the church yall, but this brother said he saw jesus in a dream and his wife belives in jesus now too. i am so exicted to go back and helpt hem come unto christ. please pray for them that they will sacrifice the time to get to church for the lord!
I am grateful for this gospel. as i teach it to the poeple of indonesia everyday, i always learn something new.  sister shiu reminded me last monday that, "dont let a problem to be solved prioritze a person that needs to be loved." thats from thomas s. monson. its like all the themes of the lessons we've taught this week was focusing on love, loving the savior with all our hearts, doinge verything in our power to feel his promised love in our lives, to love our wayward friends and family members.  i just felt so much love this week!
elder miller said something so cool the other day, tiw as along the lines of, you can know or not if you're close to god.  listen to your heart. if you feel far form him, thats when you get on your knees and you pray, you ask for forgiveness, you reepent, and when we take the sacrament we can start again adn remember to prmise with all of our hearts to be better. That's what the gospel of jesus chrsit is, and I thank god everyday for the gift of his beloved Son.  I lvoe you all, I hope you have a great week, and you will find a way to come closer to the Savior, we alln eed his help.  He's waiting.
bye! (:  <3 Sister Rowntree

1) i just love cats, even if they're covered in flees lol
2-3) we found a wayyyyyy yummy restaruant thats sooo overpriced and i am getting fat lol  THEY HAVE CINNAMON PIZZA YALL!!
4) This is a brother who has been less active for YEARS and just recenlty he's decided that he wants to go to the temple so he can be sealed iwht his late wife (':  he kissed our cheeks it was so funny, he's like, you're my grand children so i can do this hahahahah <3

1) we went bowling and i lost
2-4) practicing my motherly skills, isnt' she cute???

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