Monday, April 2, 2018

Biasa Saga

Hey friends hey fam! what's up!
sorry this email is coming in so late we went to JOGJA today to a CANDI a hindu temple
this week was super normal, nothing excitign yall. buuuuut i do have news!!
1. TRANSFERS.  sister shiukumar got transfered in the middle of this transfer to semarang! she is now the new STL for jawa tengah adn i've been released!
i'm super grateful from the experience i had being able to serve adn help my sisters here in indo!
i will miss shiu kumar dearly.  i love her to death, but life goes on
2. my nwe companion is... SISTER CARDON!  born in alaska, lived in germany for 6 years, and now lives in utah!  she emailed me before she cme on the mission and now look! she's killing me! crazy!   these next 3 weeks will be a blast!
we had one investigator to church yesterday, that was a miracle. 

i've been reading Jesus the Christ like i would read a manga,  i lvoe it so much and i love learning more in depth about the savior.  the churhc is true yall! i hop e you enjoyed conference! i hope you dont just listeen and keep[ living your normal lives,  i know the lord will speka to each one of us, and tell us what we need to do to become better, what we need to change. i cannot WAIT to finally watch this week n indonesian!

uhhh  annnd one of teh new apostle,  i\ve met  before what waht!!  so cool!
thats all folk!  love you!
-sister rowntree
1) shiu and i's last day )':
2) sister cardon and i xD
3) this is sister cardon
4) train ride to jogja!
5) i have more candi pics on everyone else's camera... so next week ya? (:

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