Sunday, April 8, 2018

I love being a missionary!

I ahve to make this short, but long story short.
the dreadful disease of trunkiness has settled into my body, and liek, ya of course i'm still doing missionary work but it's like, satan is trying sooo hard to make me feel lazy or bored and all these crazy emotions i didnt think would come upon me at the end of the mission. i was like seriously gettting stressed, i kept asking myself, "whats wRONG with me!??"  "why am i not enjoying the time of my life?!?!"  etc... 
and then while i was wallowing in sorrow, we had our day of miralces.
miralce 1.  i met this mas at gramedia who is our investigagors friend but we didnt get his number and then he stoopped working there and i was like noooooo we didnt get to follow up if he read about the restoration!! and THEN (oh ya that happened liek 2 motnhs ago)  we were biking after DTM to find food and i wasl ike LET US GO HERE! i wanted gado gado, and guess who was in that warung. THE MAS FROM 2 MONTHS AGO!!! he was like, DO YOU REMEMBER ME? and i was like uhhhhh and he's like I'M R'S FRIEND and i was like OHHHH MYYYY GOOOSHHH WE FOUND YOU!!! WE HAD A GREAT TALK AND HOPEFULLY THE ELDERS WILL MEET WITH HIM <3
right after that we met a mantan simpatisan who's been gone for months and we were able to invite her to conference!  it was a, we were in the right place at he right time miracle
RIGHT AFTER THAT.  i had a prompting to go to a less active memeber, and we met her new neighbor who wants to become closer to god, and follow the example of jesus chrsit to be baptized.  our jaws were just dropped the whole way to our next appointment afterwards, the humilty of this single motherw as so inspring and teaching her who her heavenly father and his son jesus chrsit was to her, was so so special.  we stopped as soon as we could to give a prayer of thanks to heavenly father.
and then the last miracle our investigator (WHOS THE ONE WITH THE FRIEND) FIANNLLY READ HER HOMEOWKR IN THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!  such a miracle. i know shew ill receive answers to her prayers as sh reads and ponders the book of mormon.  
sister cardon said to me, "see sister rowntree?  the lord still needs you here!"  and that was the cure to the trunk!  i am not a perfect person, but boy i was sure humbled that day, and was reminded of the importnance to always show your gratitude for the many blessings which heavenly father has bestowed upon you. i know he Loves me, even when i'm a dumb dumb, I know he lives. I know His son Jesus chrstis is my redeemer and lvoes me perfectly. I know President Russel M. Nelson is a prophet of God, once again, his words have touched my heart.  This is the true church of Jesus Christ, and i know that the beautiufl poeple of indonesia need this in their lives. I'm so grateful i still have 2 weeks to serve iwth all my heart might mind and strength to invite others to come unto jesus christ.  
love you all!
sampai nanti ya?

1) i took out my hair

1 comment:

  1. Buy cute and modest sister missionary clothing at
