Thursday, April 26, 2018

Receive Love - The final email.

Terima= receive

kasih = love

terima kasih= Thank you.

well, i am currently writing my last email to yall, at my house! I'm home!  it's so weird! i feel SO WEIRD.  but i am at peace and i am so happy to be with my crazy family again!

I just want to share a few miracles of my last week as a missionary and how they strengthened my testimony of the reality of a living loving God. 

1.  My last night, sister cardon and i had a few appointments, mostly with members, and before hand we wanted to find a really cool contact that we met a week before.  an hour and a half later, we still hadnt found his house!  and there were christians everywhere, and the neighborhood was very nice, like they were all very wealthy.... and... not so humble.  NO ONE wanted to listen to our message, and i was like,  "man.  heavenly father, i really just want to give the first vision ONE last time!"  we hadn't shared the restoration all that week, and if we did, sister cardon was the one giving the first vision.  i was so bummed, we started walking back to our bikes when sister cardon heard music coming from a house.  she started dancing and a man was sitting outside on the inside of his gate.  basically, sometimes, as missionaries we try ANYTHING to interest people to letting us enter into our homes,  that nights' tactic.  dance.  we tried asking him what he was listening to, and he called out for his wife, which turns out she can speak english!  they let us in.  and we shared our message.  Sister Cardon gave me the go to testify of Joseph Smith's experience, the spirit was so strong as we gave the first vision.  No one with a pure heart could deny the power that was manifested in that moment.
This sweet family rejected the message, but it's not us they're rejecting it's the Savior himself.  Usually I would be sad or irritated at moments like this, but at that time while this family was turning us down, I truly felt so much love for them, I felt Heavenly Father's love for this precious family, and of how much He wishes them to come home to Him. I also felt as I smiled  through the rejection, I felt The Savior's love for me and Sister Cardon, for still loving them for still caring about them.  I  cant really describe the feeling, but all I know for sure with all my heart is that the Lord was pleased with our service.  It was awesome, Heavenly Father immediately answered that prayer of mine.

2.  on our way home from Indonesia, on our flight from Hong Kong to LA, we sat next to the most prepared and most humble man I've ever met.  Sister Patton and I (MTC comps reunite again!(and it's like extra special bc we've grown SO much in our teaching skills and our knowledge of the gospel, sitting on a plane ride home, moments before finishing our mission.(heavenly father had one more person we needed to help)))  and his name was Phillip.  We listened to him for 5 hours, just letting him pour out his soul to us.  His Lutheran, married to a non active member, and all he wants is to be the best father he can be. He wants peace and balance in His life.  I learned so much in this moment with this man, about the importance of listening.  Like when we first met him, i kinda of immediately went into missionary mode, like hey where are you from, hows your fam? do you go to church? annnd your family can be together forever with this message."  but that wasn't what he needed, what he needed was someone to listen to him, and afteer we had done so, fighting through the drowsiness of plane flights and keeping our eyes open,  we testified with all of our souls that God lives, that Heavenly Father cares about Him, we shared our own personal experiences and we gave him homework in the book of mormon.  He said he was excited for this, he knew that it was god's plan that we sat by him that morning in Hong Kong.

I know that God lives, and I know that He loves His children.  Everything happens for a reason, it's all in His plan.  I know that Jesus Christ is His Son, and he and our father in heaven love us PERFECTLY.  no matter what we do, what we've done, they will ALWAYS love us, and they're always ready with extended arms out reached towards us to bring us in, bring us home, bring us unto Christ.  The restored gospel of jesus christ is true.  i know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, called to open this last dispensation so that we can recieve all of the eternal and everlasting blessings of the full gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  I know that it changes peoples lives, i've seen it, i have seen for the past year and a half, people who have NO IDEA who Jesus Christ is, come to know who He is by reading that book.  I know it changes hearts, because it has changed mine.  Jesus Christ lives, and because of His atonement everything is possible, we just have to try.  taking off the name tag last night was the HARDEST thing i've ever done in my entire life, but i felt completely encompassed in his arms of love as I said goodbye to the past year and a half of my life. I tried my best, and I know that Heavenly Father loves me.  I am at peace.  
I know the Lord has sooo much more in store for me as i begin this new chapter of my life.  Thank you all for the love and support throughout this journey.  This is only the beginning of the best to come, this was the best year and a half so far.

Saya Tahu bahwa gereja ini benar, saya tahu Bapa Surgawi mengasihi kita masing2, dan mendengarkan doa2 kita.  Tolong menyimak pada perkataan nabi kita, Presiden Russel M. Nelson, dan melakukan apa yang dia mendesak kita untuk lakukan.  Saya tahu ini gereja Tuhan Yesus Kristus, dan bahwa dia masih membimbing kita melalui Nabi nya.  Saya tahu semuanya ini benar, dan membagikannya dalam nama Yesus Kristus, Amin.

1) on our way to taman safariiii
2) cutest baby chimp everrr (but we couldnt hold him this time)
3&4) dream come true
5) final testimony meeting <3

1) special fireside (willy is basically a member)
2&3) my favorite muslim girls by pak D's house
4) favorite half indo and german baby <3
5) feelin myself lol

1) my awesome zone leaders!
2) cute baby
3) favorite family
4) my sweet solo members
5) Sister Patton Sister Fuglsang and I reunited one last time #MTCCompsForLife <3

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