Monday, March 19, 2018

Goodbye President and Sister Rowley (written on 2/25/18)


1. last monday we got very unexpected news that President and Sister Rowley have been reassigned to serve in SINGAPORE!!!  it was so crazy yall, we didnt even get to say goodbye, i was a wreck that day and like 2 days afterwards hahahaha, i was so sad, I can't even begin to describe in words the love i have for President and Sister Rowley, theyr'e truly my mssion parents, and have taught em so much, and have helped me to grow these last 15 months into the missionary and person that i am today, they've pushed me, and supported me through so mcuh. I love them so much and will awfully miss them.
2. our new mission president is President Subandriyo, he's AWESOME, its so weird having an indonesian mission president, but it's so awesome, i love him and his wife very much.
3. we had MLC finally after 2 months!  it was out of the blue too so i am like dead, and tired, i cant wait to take a nap again today lol. we learned a lot, and President Subandriyo in nice words has told us, "yall have 30 days to get yo selves togetha." seriously. he's legit and he's going to push us even more to become the missionaries we need to be.
3. uhh today i hit 16 months so thats way weird.

one of our investigators who wants to be baptized may be moving back to kupang ):  so thats been hard on my heart, but finally pak D came to church yesterday! he fasted with us and we prayed that the lord would soften his wife's heart so that he could go! it was awesome!
I am still lvoing solo. i really hope as this transfer ends i will stay here, i love my companion, i love my district, and i love being a missionary, and i loooove the Lord. He is so good, and I am grateful everdayday of my life for his atoning sacrifice for us, that i ahve the opporunity to walk in His footsteps here in Indonesia.

On a spiritual note.. I just want to invite yall to really think about why you are grateful for the restored gospel of jesus christ?  why is going to church important to you?  how else can you show your love and devotion to the lord?  ask him, he'll let you know what you can do to fix, repentance is real, and it's a positive thing, we can start over everyday and be better, become more, more like the Savior. I love him, and i love heavenly father and i am so grateful i can share their wonderful message of the restoration to the people here in Solo.

have a nice week yall! sampai jumpa lagi!

1)sooo this was me and sister shiu on the bus to semarang
2) while we were wating for the sisters in semarang we thought our background was cool and had a photo shoot
3) pak D's wife(:
4) lovin solo
5) lol me err night, i'm either drawiing for pplaying the uke or watching 17 miracles

REUNITED with my girl sister Ratu! <3 annnd my zone leaders

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