Monday, March 19, 2018

Another transfer down (written on 3/4/18)

Hey fam!
soo..... this last week was awesome.
i did get a little sick though. but i only came home early the first night that i was sick cuz i was dying lol.  seriously ayll, i hadnt been that sick since i was a fetus in bogor on the mission!! i ate martabak manis (its like this wayyy good sweet giant indonesian pancake thing) wayyy to late at night and hte next day i paid the eprice for my stupidity in not keeping my diet!!!  i lost 6 pounds!! so i mean, thats the only plus! (; i will be lookin good for zone conference this wednesday!
the work is kinda slow here,  like i thought we had great potentials, and tiba tiba,  they've all dropped us or dropped off the face of the earth .__.  but its okay, i know the elect are out here, we just have to find them and help them!  
TRANSFERS ARE COMING, i htink i will be safe, but its just weird that a whole nother transfer has gone!! ive already been in solo for 3 months!! what?? i cant believe 3 months have gone by again! so weird.... next week... will be my last transfer!!  SO WEIRD.  i'm trying hard not to be trunky,  hey if any of my RM friends are reading this please give me advice to keep the trunkiness at bay ya?  the struggle is real!  
i am grateful for trials though, it helps me ponder and remember that i need to be closer to the lord and rely on him instead of myself.
I love Jesus.  and I love Heavenly father, often times, i feel like Nephi in 2 Nephi 4, when He's like Ö WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM" becasue he has sins and temptations too, and i'm like, woah, even Nephi, like the greatest prophet in the book of mormon gets down too, but then he says ÄWAKE MY SOUL! No longer droop in sin, Regjoice, O my heart and give place no more for the enemy of my soul." He says that because "He knows in whom He has trusted."  I love the Book of mormon so much, and I lvoe how they're not just stories that we read, but we can become like the prophets of old, and live their lives, we CAN be as righteous as they were.  we can relate to them, even Nephi felt sad because sin easily beset him.  but he knows that god loves him, and repentance is real. do we really believe those things for ourselves?  I hope we do, I do, sometimes I forget, when times get hard, but when i opent he book of mormon on any page, I remember who I am, and who loves me and cares about my eternal progression.  The gospel is true yall, I hope you can all gain, and strengthen continiuously your testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. we need it. i love my mission, i am grateful i can servee the Lord here.  I love you all, have a good week!  <3 Sister Tree

1) when i was literally sick and dying loool
2) sisters in semarang came up for splits!
3) our new investigator!
4) me and sister daclan working out ha!

1) the old malang squad!
2) my MLC gang!
3) dad this is mostly for you, His name is Jonathan, you know we're not llowed to hug males as sisters but Jonathan always wants to hug me and it's okay (':
4) TURN. UP.

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