Monday, March 19, 2018

Covenants (written on 3/18/18)

Hey fam!
1. after a week into the new transfer our house is like, heyyy no transfers one more together!  and then all of a sudden sister Daclan gets a  call... she's moving to MEDAN!   she has been in Jawa TEngah for her ENTIRE mission, she's finally moving! and not just to another part of Jawa, but she's LEAVING THE ISLAND OF JAWA so sick!!
sooo the sister who is replacing her is...  SISTER FUGLSANG
2. MY MTC COMPANION!!!!! crazy hey?? 
3. Sister Fuglsang served her first 7 MONTHS in solo!!! and now she's back and dying here!! craaaazy! 
I am so excited to have her in the house!
it was like a little tender mercy, iwas thinking, aw man.  the night we all get back together again in jakarta when we leave is such a short time! Sister Patton and I are both flying into Salt Lake City, but sister F is going to australia! i was so sad thinking of having to say goodbye so fastly, and then look what heavenly father did! we get to die on the mission together!  (': okay sorry for the trunky thought.
we had 2 investigators to chruch this week, truly a miracle, Mas W is the one dating the bishops daughter, and the bishops family was in jakarta this sunday because elder Gary E. STevenson came to indonesia! (no, the missionaries were not invited -___-') so we're like, woah, is he still going to come without sister Y?  after the opening prayer i look up and see him! i cried, it was a blessing.  He is so sincere. Please pray for him and Pak D that they will want to enter into the waters of baptism. (:
also another tender mercy this week was being able to fellowship and translate for the mission couple in a lesson with a less active member who wants to go to the temple!  we talked about covenants, and like, my whole mission we always talk about covenants right? making the first one with the ordinance of baptism. but this time we were talking about our temple covenants and like... i'm not sure how to explain what i was feeling..
I still remember the first time I went through the temple back in 2016.. iwas pumped! but honestly, i didnt'relaly understand anything, and now as i see myself now and how much my gospel knowledge has grown, my appreciation is so different.  I am so so grateful for the mission.  I"ve been a member my whole life... every fast sunday i would say,  ï  know this gospel is true."and once it finally came for me to enter into the missionary field, I realized, woah.  I dont even know what the gospel is!  seriously! like each principle and ordinances of Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the HOly Ghost, and Enduring to the End... I DIDNT KNOW THAT WAS THE GOSPEL YALL!  SERIOUSLY!!  and now, it's not just that I know what I'm talking about when i testify... but the gospel of Jesus Christ is engraven upon my heart! I dont just know, but I love, and truly believe this is the only way. I know how important it is to live the gospel every day, hour by hour.  I am a different person, and I know that putting the Lord first in our lives in EVERY aspect is the most important thing we can do in our lives!  I am so grateful, for the mission, words cant even describe my gratitude for the person i have become!  I am so grateful for the temple to, it's been sooooo long since i've been there, and being able to particiapte in that lesson helped me remember how important the gospel is, how important keeping our covenants are.
I've heard throughout my mission, "sister rowntree, you're on a higher level, we are just normal people here." but whether we are full time missionaries or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, we aren't just normal people.  We are the Lord's covenant people!  We've made promises with the Lord to take His name upon us, to always remember Him and Keep his commandments!  and when we keep those promises, HEavenly Father promises us the Holy Ghost will always be with us!  Thats so beautiful.  I know that God lives and that He loves us because He sent His son for us, to sacrifice His life for us.  He gives us the spirit to comfort us and guide us day to day.  The Spirit helps us feel God's love, and I know that it's so important to feel His love everyday.  This life would be too hard without his comfort and peace! I know complete obedience to the gospel brngs us the promised blessings that we hope for, and it's all up to what we want, what we desire.
I know the Gospel has been restored, and I know it's the only way we can be truly happy in this life, to prepare ourselves to meet Heavenly Father again. I am so grateful for this gospel, and now, I feel like I can truly testify of these things from my heart.  the spriit has testified to my heart that these things are true. I hope one day, all of my loved ones and friends who dont know these truths or who haven't engraven them upon their hearts will find the way, and will come to know who God and His plan for them.
Life is good!  Maju Terus yall!
Love ya <3 Sister Pohon
pohon=tree lol
I did have a video of sister daclan and i singing but it wont load, soz, next time ya?  monggo!
1) old pld pic
2) this way cute nun we ran into
3) old waterfall pic i think i was trying to hide my food from the monkeys
4) selfie dong

1) we're holding the waterfall
2) this is elder smith right before he got attacked by a monkey
3) last district picture!  elder nordwald is also moving BACK to jakarta to become the new AP!
4) failed

1) Sister shiu and i got jonathan an avengers coloring book!  he loves to learn colors and he's really good and coloring in the lines!
2) i am getting fat bc i love fried at  A&W  seriously, my jaw line is gone yall
3) chuch selfie
4) we have fish now

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