Sunday, April 2, 2017

The flame of faith

Okay, so this week was full of miracles.

Investigators:  FANA Wants to get baptized!!!  We haven't set a date yet, but this week we're hoping to teach her 3 times,  she doesn't know a lot about our church but she likes the way she feels when she attends!  ALSO her sister is married to a member!  (whos not active)  BUT she's our nw investigator too!!!!!  Can you imagine how beautiful it would be if we helped her husband come back to church and he could baptize his family!??!?!  so so so beautiful.  That's what we're hoping for, and we're praying that ibu Kristin and Ibu Rosita and Wice will come watch conference this saturday and sunday.
oh yeah,  we watch conference a week after yall because it has to be translated into Indonesian!  I'M SO EXCITED, I hope you all loved hearing from our prophet and the apostles of the Lord!!  Our church is so cool! and so true!
PLD:  yayyy!!!  we spent friday night and saturday day in Jakarta!  We learned sooo much and honestly i felt a little overwhelmed with our training, my head was like:  WOAH DO I NEED TO REPENT OR WHAT HOW CAN  I DO ALL THESE THINGS HOLY COWWWW.  I get stressed easy lol.  BUT.  My mom just sent me a quote from President Hinckley:  "(Something about not being negative about yourself),  Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the lord will accept your effort."  Isn't that beautiful?  I know i have soooo many things I need to work on, but if I just try  my best to keep improving everyday I know the Lord is proud of me, and he'll make up the rest so its okay!!  That's a life long principle I hope to remember always.   The main thing that stood out to me at PLD was"The flameof Faith"  I think that's what i've been missing!  Honestly these past (almost 6 months what)  I've been trying overcome depression and anxiety and it's been frustrating because missionary work doesn't get easier hahaha,  I honestly feel like i've been just going through the motions, but now  I know,  the things I do everyday,  the people I try to talk to everyday, obeying all the missionary rules has a purpose!  The flame of faith in my heart needs to drive me to act in faith, to trust that whatever happens will be okay because this is the lord's work!  I thought that was cool, i want the flame of faith in my heart to turn into a BONFIRE 

Spiritual Thought:  I read the most amazing and life changing talk this week,  "Strength in the Lord'' by Elder Bednar,  he discussed about the enabiling and redeeming power of the atonement.  If we look in the Book of Mormon there are countless experiences of prophets praying for strength in their situations.   Like nephi or Almaa.  they don't ask the lord to take away their burdens, but to have strength according to their FAITH.  It's so cool!  I challenge you guys that when you pray, and you feel  like your burdens are too much, pray for the enabling power of the atonement to lighten your burdens.   Christ knows everything that we feel everyday,  his atonement can give us the strength to endure anything!!  
I can really say sincerely now, that I am truly happy to be serving here in Indonesia.  Life is hard, but the Lord is here with me every step of the way!!  transfers are coming up, and we're pertty sure Sister Davis is moving to Jakarta, so in a week and a half I might have a new companion, which means I'M LEADING THE AREA WHAAAAT.  Everythiing we go through we experience for a reason, to learn and grow and come closer to Christ.  I hope you all have a great week,  I know this church is true, that's why I'm still here even though its hard!  There are so many people that need this gospel, that need hope in their lives, I hope you all have the desire to be examples to others and help them come unto Christ too(:  Sampai nanti ya!
1)  My cute District in our cute matching Rok dan Dasi made with Batik!
2) here's me walking down  a regular indonesian street 
3) when it's hot 
4)  classic Indonesia

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