Sunday, April 30, 2017

6 months!

Woah, last week did i forget to press send on my group email? whoops. haahha sorry yall!  
has it already been six months??? crazy!  time flies!!
So this week was slow too, we have 5 new investigators, and we had a MIRACLE.  Our most "potential" investigators are Alex and his family, I havent even taught them yet because theyre always busy!!!  Sister Angelie and I decided to jjust show up at his house (BC THEY NEED TO BE TAUGHT.) and hes like, oh.  i'm leaving. sorry my families climbing the mountains right now too and oh we're going to jakarta this sunday so we cant come.  cool.   So then we're in church and the Elder's investigators were getting confirmed members of the church and after the prayer i open my eyes and BAM alex is sitting in front of us!!! it was awesome!!!!!  His family came too!  (hopefully when theyre done being "busy" we will teach them soon")  
2 funny stories for this week.
1.  We were going to contact a referal we receieved.  It's this old lady named ibu Isan.  We get to here house and she's outside while we're on the outside of her gate.  We ask her politely if this is her house.  She slowly walks into her house and shuts the door....... we're like.....  WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO TELL HER WHO WE WERE hahah it was so funny,  the rejections were so real this week.  So sad for them.  We just have to keep finding!
2.   A MOTORCYCLE CRASHED INTO ME WHILE WE WERE BIKING. ahahahah it was so awesome! we were heading towards the church and I was singing "come thou fount"  when all of a sudden BAM, I'm totally fine, i feel more bad for the lady who ran into me from behind, i looked down and she was on the ground with her bike, i didnt fall or anything, i dont know how she didnt see me!  maybe my skin just blends in with the darkness of the night (;  all of these secruity gaurds ran out to help get my bike and stuff, and it was so so funny,  they know that i'm a bule (foriegner) so they're like "crap. she cant speak indonesian"  so EVERYONE is jsut staring awkwardly at me not knowing what to say,  and i cant ask "Hey are you okay? to the lady"  because theres not a translation for that in indonesian!!! ahhahaha so i'm like "maaf maaf maaf maaf!!" over and over again (like saying sorry)  it  was just so funny and awkward and i awkwardly made my way back over to the side of the road.  
Okay and I have a little spiritual thought for you guys too.  Me and Sister Angelie's companionship study are always so awesome, our personal studies always relate to each other even when we dn't plan it!  So yesterday after church when we were studying I was reading in 1 Nephi 21 where Nephi starts reading from the brass plates or the words of Isiah to his brothers.  I was so confused, even though i'm a missionary sometimes the scriptures still dont click in my brain right away! but the one scripture I did understand was verse 16  "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;.."  isn't that the most beautiful thing? Sister Angelie studied in Moses, where moses was tempted by Satan, but Moses knew his identity. He knew he was a son of God, so he was able to overcome the temptation.  From what I learned from these things is that, our individual worth is so great in the eyes of God. We are literally His children and because Christ suffered for us, because we are literally embedded in the palm of His hands, with the knowledge of our Saviors love and our identity as children of God, WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING!  I love my Heavenly Father so much, I know He will never give up on me, my prayers are answered everyday when I read the Book of Mormon, I know that it's the word of God!  I love my Savior, I know I can rely on Him through the hard times on my mission because this is His work and He knows everything I struggle through!  
This church is true, Christ lives and this is HIS church restored again on the earth!  
Next week we have zone conference!  I'm so excited to go to Surabaya again, I hope you all have a great week, good luck with finals, and all the other crazy stuff in life!   
Sister Sulasri and her cute kids! LI

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