Monday, April 24, 2017

This title is lame and so is this email, (Hannah's words!) or another week I forgot to email this letter to my parents.(mom's words)

I really dont have a lot to say this week!  The work here is super slow,  Sister Angelie and I did have an adventure in Surabaya on Monday and Tuesday,  we had to go on a weird split thing, so we were  a trio with Sister Nuku in Surabaya, its this big city like 2 hours away from Malang.  Surabaya is HOT it's called the city of 2 suns, but luckily it rained!
I'm still loving malang tho!!!  Everyday when we try to find people we bike for hours and the scenery is BEAUTIFUL literally we go on fun adventures everyday!!! 
The members here are sooo hilarious i love them all to pieces!  i love love looooooove my companion, I couldn;t do this with out her!  Yeah, this email is super lame i am so sorry hahahah,  hopefully next week the work will have sped up a bit and I can have something to talk about!
I know this Church is true, that's why i'm still here even through the hard times.  God lives and Christ is His only Begotten Son .  I love the gospel with all my heart, I am so thankful for the Restoration, i am so thankful for Joseph Smith.  Have a nice week everybody!

1) LOOK WHO SURPRISED ME MY FIRST SUNDAY IN  MALANG! MY IBU!!! (Mother/Trainer) Sister Jatmiko!!! <333
2) my cute new district!
3) I'm only cute on Sundays hahahah BUT LOOK AT THIS PUPPY
4) ANOTHER SICK VOLCANO (we're going to a volcano next pday so guess who's pumped ME)​​

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