Sunday, April 16, 2017

Gunung Berapi

HELLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I AM IN MALANG AND I AM LOVING MY LIFE. You guys, malang is AMAZING. okay. gunung= mountain api= fire ber=(makes words a verb) so gunung berapi is like a mountain that fires........ AKA VOLCANO

I am SURROUNDED BY VOLCANOES HERE ITS SOOOOOO COOL!!!!! also, I'M SO SORE FROM RIDING A BIKE ALL WEEK OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! Look up Malang on google yall it's so beautiful, i am so excited to serve here!!

My new companion's name is Sister Angelie, she's from......... BOGOR hahahh i know all of her family!!!! She totally reminds me of my sister Kianna, she's sassy just like her, and i'm learning soooooo much faster in indonesian with an indonesian companion, i'm so happy T__T I am so so happy here it's great!!

The work here is very slow, but that's okay, friday, we spent ALLLLLL DAYYYYY contacting on our bikes, oh, and Malang is FULL OF HILLS LITERALLY EVERYDAY WE'RE CLIMBING HUGE HILLS ON OUR BIKES oh myg oodness its so tiring i better have model legs after this area oh my goodness. So yeah, we're really focusing on finding and trying to talk to as many people as we can until we find that ONE person ready to accept the gospel

I have a little spiritual thought: so, as much as i've been loving it here in malang, of course there are going to be trials, Saturday we went to teach this cute Oma, her husband didn't want to listen, we taught the restoration and invited her to get baptized. Of course, her response was something i've heard a million and 12 times on my mission. "but i've already been baptized, i already have my own church, every church is christ's church not just the mormon church etc" i started to cry. hahaha, i was so sad, this week had been the longest ever, i was sooo tired so drained of energy (i have a chest cold so that didn't help either) so here i am sitting in a lesson crying of frustration too, her husband started going off on us so that didn't help either, here were my thoughts. "Heavenly Father, i'm trying to be the best servant i can be, I'm trying to do your will, I'm doing everything i can to be a better teacher so these people will understand why they need the gospel of Jesus Christ, and all we get is rejection in return, what else do i have to do, i'm so tired of this."
So the next day, after church sister angelie and i studied, I read in Mosiah 24, this is where i am in my readings, nothing special. It's about the people of Alma, and this sassy king or leader Amulon forbid them to pray! He threatened to kill them if they prayed. the scriptures say in verse 10 that so great were their afflictions (hey that sounds like me) that they began to cry mightily to their god. even though they knew it was forbidden they still prayed in their hearts, they showed their faith! they knew Heavenly Father loved them and would answer there prayers in the midst of their afflictions.
The lord answered their prayers and said "Lift up your heads and be of good comfort... I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs." In verse 15 it then says
"and now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon alma and his bretheren were made LIGHT! The lord did STRENTHEN THEM that they could bear up their burdens with ease!"
ISN'T THAT SO BEAUTIFUL??? The Lord doesnt take away our burdens, but through the enabling power of his atonement, through his grace, he can strengthen us, we CAN overcome anything and our burdens can be made light!!
My testimony has been strengthened AGAIN aobut how real our Heavenly Father is, how aware he is of ME, he knows what i feel and he's sad when i'm sad, and when i feel like i need an answer to my prayers, i can literally just open up the book of mormon and BAM there it is! I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God! I know we can find strength and comfort through reading the words of the prophets of old! This gospel is so cool! I love it!

So, now I know that I just need to keep going! I am doing my part, I need to keep my flame of faith burning and one day we will find that one special person who is ready to accept this beautiful message of hope! I love my savior and i love my heavenly father and i am so grateful that i can serve them here in malang. This chruch is true! I know that Jesus Christ LIVES, come unto Him, He's waiting and He wants to help you! To heal you, to love you! (:

Have a nice week! How was your Easter? Easter feels a little weird in this country... but that's okay, I love it here!

2) Giant volcano
3) this volcano started smoking after i took this pic, i have a video of me crying bc i thought it was the most beautiful and cool thing of my life hahhaa maybe it will load next week
4) Sister Angelie! <3

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