Sunday, April 9, 2017

I kissed a girl (GRANDMA) and I didn't like it!

Okay, before i tell you about my smooch with this grandma last night I have some news.  President is a sly fox and even though he asked me at pld if i wanted to stay in Bogor (and of course the answer was yes) I'M BEING TRANSFERED TO MALANG TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!  I HAVE TO FLY BY MYSELF AND i'm a little stressed, but it's okay.  I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M LEAVING BOGOR!!!!!  Bogor will always have my heart, I cried so hard yesterday saying goodby to all of our beautiful members here,  they have literally became my family!!!! it's so crazy!!!! wahdu I didnt think i'd be leaving my first area so soon, but it is what it is, the Lord wants me in Malang with Sister Angelie.  I'M GOING TO RIDING A BIKE NOW!  HAHA IT'S TIME TO GET SKINNY YALL.   All the missionaries told me my first week here, "oh you're gonna gain so much weight in Bogor so sorry"  NOPE,  I'VE LOST ALL OF MY MTC WEIGHT HERE AHAHA,  
Okay so now about my title, this is the funniest thing that's happened to me in a long time.  So.  We met this way cute lady on an angkot like 2 weeks ago her name is Ibu Ifon, so we finally got to meet her yesterday.  We introduced the book of Mormon to her and her 2 kids and her Mom (Miss kissy grandma)  and her brothre (WHO LIVES IN MALANG AND IS GOING BACK THERE SOON, so guess who got his number so we can meet again ahaha)  Ifon was so happy we were there, she cried in her prayer and she seems so interested to learn from the new sisters who are coming to bogor.  so we were saying goodbye, and her ein indonesia you "Salam"  so you do this weird dead fish hand shake, or wiht girls you go from side to side and kiss each other on the cheek or just smash your cheeks on each others, (i hope i explained that well)  SO. the grandma comes up to me, and i thought we were just gonna do the cheek thing, it got so awkward. so fast.  she grabs my face and just PLANTS ONE ON ME HAHAHAHHAHA it was sooo long it was like a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwha!  and hse has no teeth and like rubbed her lips on mine i wa slike WHA TTHTE HECK!!!!  I  WAS DYING INSIDE OH MY GOODNESS, i haven't been kissed in a lonnnnng time let alone BY A GRANDMA,  i guess she must've been really feeling the spirit or SOMETHING, ahahahhahaha oh my goodness, funniest experience of my life.
Next with some news with our investigators, FANA HAS MADE HER BAPTISMAL DATE!! WE HAVE A BAPTISM COMMITMENT AHH!!!!  and now i'm leaving ._.  It's fine,  as long as the other Sisters finish teaching Fana the lessons!  It's so great,  Sister Davis and I have been working so hard, and honestly it's hard when you go out everyday and it seems like no one here wants to accept our beautiful message!!  Its so sad!  So many people here are lost!!  but when you work hard, and you do the things you're supposed to and trust in the Lord, He makes up the rest!  I'm so glad Fana has the desire to get baptized,  and I can't wait to meet new people in Malang and share my testimony with them!
Yes we watched conference, it was in indonesian, i  didn't understand anything ahahhaah,  there's my bahasa skills for yall, but it's okay,  i want to print off some today to read on the plane ride tomorrow!  I'm so grateful for living prophets and apostles how wonderful is our church?  I know all of our leaders are called of God, and i Know the things they've challenged to change in our lives is counsel from God,  i hope we all can ask ourselves everyday, what we're lacking or what we need to work on, how we can draw nearer to god in our lives.  The closer to God we are the happier we will be!  
I'm not really sure what else to add in this email,  I'm really really REALLY going to miss Bogor,  I lvoe the people here, I love the members, i've made so many new friends that I will cherish for forever.  I'm excited for a new adventure though!  every city in Indoneisa is so different from each other!  Next week im sure ya'll will get a dramatic email from me about the new bugs and food and crazy new experiences!  Missions are awesome!  and FAST.  YOU GUYS I'VE ALMOST BEEN SERVING FOR SIX MONTHS!! WHAT?????  I still feel new!!!  Wow crazy,  I love you all and I can feel your prayers!  Thank you all for the encouraging words and love, it really strengthens me every week and helps me remembre why i'm here and why i'm serving.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ,   He loves you.  He LOVES YOU.  I could understand the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at least (;  and I was filled with the spirit as they sang the hymns about our Loving Savior and Heavenly Father,  they're words brought me to tears.  I think the most that I understood from Conference was to not wait to repent, repentance means to change!  To align our will with God's so we can be happy!  we dont ahve to be burdened by sin, or mistakes,  and through our trials the Savior will lift us!  He will, I know He will because He lifts me everyday on the mission.  I testify that Christ lives!  and I know our Heavenly Father wants nothing more than our happiness, and our happiness can only come through Christ!  have a nice week!  
1)  We crashed Bogor 2's ward council meeting bc they wanted one more picture haha!
2) Brother Satria and Sister Virly and Moses,  they're the best ward missionaries always helping us out!
3) Kathrin and Mutia  I'm going to miss them so SO MUCH (Mutia has been called to serve in New Zealand!)
4) :'(  my favorite member ever, this is Sister Sari, (she reminds me so much of my aunt april) She's literally my mother here ))': you bet i cried saying goodbye to her lol
5) Brother Ezra, he's literally the best person ever (he used to always take us missioaries EVERYWHERE for pday hahaha)  and his english is rad

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