Sunday, May 7, 2017

1 month in Malang

WOAH I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YALL IN THIS EMAIL.  There were two Miracles this week, oh and shout out to Sister Shook happy birthday!  
First we had zone conferences in Surabaya, it was so amazing and the spirit was so strong and i felt SO PUMPED to get back to work, it was like my flame of faith EXPLODED again (bc the struggle is real here and i lose faith so fast hahaa)  SO 
Miracle 1:  after zone conference, my district had to ride a long 2 hour bus ride back to Malang.  We had just heard from our president "TALK WITH EVERYONE ASK FOR REFERALS, DONT MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THE GOSPEL!" so that was in my mind, I get on the bus and i'm like.. hm... who is ready for our message? I decided to sit by this random Bapak.  I always start my conversations with "mau ke mana?"  it's a very inspired heavenly question... "where are you going?" ha. it has saved my life many times while contacting in indonesia.  turns out, this guy is WAY COOL he's a captain of a giant carrier ship, and he's been all around the world, he COULD SPEAK ENGLISH kinda so that was a life savor!!  He then asked me what i was doing here, and i gave him the ol shpil (i cant spell english words sorry)  he had SOOO many questions, i gave him a book of mormon and the restoration pamphlet for him to read.  He really is a miracle bc he wants to learn more.  the only problem is that hes out at see for 3 weeks and only goes home to his family for 3-4 days .__. sip.  BUT ITS OKAY!  we're going to visit his family anyways this week!  keep your fingers crossed!
Second miracle
so even tho PLD was so great, my faith dwindled again and i was super stressed out and sad until sunday.  I'm so grateful for fasting, there really is power from above when we fast.  I'm so bad at typing out stories so i literally brought my journal here at the Warnet and i'm going to type my journal entry from last night.
"WOAH. Sacrament meeting was great!  there was so much peace and i knew the spirit was there.  Then it waws testimony meeting.   I felt that familiar desire to bare my testimony, just like i used to do every fast sunday at home.  I denied the feeling, I kept saying "no no let the others go,  you can go up next month"  but the feeling wouldnt go away!  In my head i was like, "I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY"  i decided to testify about prayer.  When i got to the pulpit,  I said the most RANDOM thing.  I began to talk about our trials as missionaries, and how hard its ben and how I question Heavenly Father if i really am supposed to be here.  Then I testified of prayer, becausei know everything iwll work out."  Sister Angelie was shocked,  I was shocked,  the members dont need to know how we're struggling right?  But God knows His children,  and Sister ___ came to church that day,  she has joined the catholic church, and she heard my testimony, she talked to Sister Anglie afterwards and she is a return missionary! she told sister angelie all of these amazing things about her mission.  she has 2 kids, and they might not be baptized with proper authority in our church yet.  We have work to do!  even though its hard to meet with her, we will one day, and we wll reactivate her sweet family.  I know God knows and loves us one by one,  i know the holy ghost is with me even when I dont realize it!  Missionary work is so cool, but HARD,  but i cant give up!  I really REALLY have to rise each day with a smile on my face, hope and faith in my heart and eyes SEARCHING for people to find and teach and all will be well! (:"
it was so cool yall.  God is so so aware of us, i'm literally out of time and this computer wont read my card... so no pics sorry. and next week we're skyping!!!!!!! YAYYYY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! Say your prayers, read your scriptures and look for opportunities to serve the lord!  Thank you fo ryour prayers i ca n feel them everyday!  
Love Sister Rowntree
Sister Rowntree
Jalan Senopati 115
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12190
(thats a hint yall it gets lonely here thanks ((: )

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