Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Leftovers!

woooooooooooah.  Guess where i have been transfered to.........  JAKARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

and you wont even guess who my new companion is........  wait for it...........


AGAIN. ahahahahah it is the funniest thing ever, we are literally leftovers, let me tell you why i'm here in jakarta with all of my stuff still in malang .__.

K, so poor sister angelie had to go home ya?  and we have a bunch of missionaries going home too!  so after our WAY SICK WAY COOL AND SPIRITURAL meeting with Elder Soares, we got transfers.   I open my letter (sister rowntree you are hereby called to serve in Jakarta, you'll be serving here for 3-6 months)  I ALMOST DIED,  i only brought a weeks worth of clothing from malang BC I THOUGHT I WAS GOING BACK WITH A NEW COMPANION!!  nope.  NOOOOPE.  but all is well.  so bc we are lacking missionaries and becase the new missionaries are having problems with their visa's i have to stay here in Jakarta for only 3 weeks, hahaha so it's not too bad i have enough stuff!   
I'M SO PUMPED TO BE SERVING HERE IN JAKARTA!!!!11  THERE'S LIKE 12 MILLION PPL IN THIS CITY!!!1 its so great i'm just talking to people all day long (you know me i can never keep my mouth shut) so its so fun!!!  

Its kinda crazy so cuz some people here are soooo keras (hard)  like sassy, so when they see the book of mormon oh man, oh man, they freak out, but it's still fun, this one lady was so mean to me i almost cried and Sister Hariyadi was across the bus way so she couldnt come and save me, (and honestly my language isn't fluent yet) so most of the time i had no idea what she was saying, so iinstead of giving her sass back, thankfully she let me explain the book of mormon and bare my testimony and we eventually got her number so we can meet her and teach her!!!  cool huh!!!  as missionaries you have to give everyone a chance even when they dont seem interested, you never know who's ready for our message of truth and happiness!!

i learned so much from Elder Soares and his wife and Elder Wong and his wife, it was such an amazing meeting, we talked all about our divine nautre as children of god and how much he loves us and how much he wants us to succeed if we're diligent missionaries.  Mormon 9:20-21 was like a slap to the face.  it was such a wake up call to me, "god ceases to do miracles because of our unbelief"  WOAH that was me, i kept thinking over the past few months,  "ugh why cant i be happy, ugh i go out every day just to be rejected, no one cares, no one wants to listen"  WELL YA WITH THAT ATTITUDE SISTER ROWNTREE,  verse 21 says that "whosoever believeth in Christ, DOUBTING NOTHING, whatsoever he shall ask of the father it will be granted unto him"  and thats a promise!  God doesnt break his promise, so i need to do my part, i have to rise each day with faith and hope and joy and love in my heart and do everything in my power to find god's children who are ready!  I dont get to choose who is ready, thats why i have to talk with everyone,  during christ's ministry, was he rejected?  yes.  was he tired?  yes.  but he never gave up.  christ taught everyone, and any time, every where he wwent because he knew who he was!!  the son of god and he had a purpose!!  I get to represent the Savior, i've been set apart, missionaries really DO have power from on high, so i Have to trry!  wow, I'm so blessed to be here i am so grateful.

also i learned another cool thing about the sabbath day,  all of my life i dont think i really took keeping the sabbath day seriously, but for the past few years thats what our prophets have been asking us to do.   think of it.  in 1995 when president hinckley announced the family proclamation to the world, everyone was like, ya okay,  families are important no duh,  BUT LOOK AT OUR TIMES NOW.  the world is so so so sooo sooooo sad. so sad.  family isn't important in worldy views,  what god wants isnt what the world wants,  the prophet at the time knew this would happen.  so why are the prophets and apostles always talking about the sabbath day?  they know what's going to happen in the future, it will be even worse in a few decades.  The sabbath day is for the lord. to remember him.  before i was like "okay ya, i'm going to church cool."  but its more than that,  what else can we do to draw us closer to our Savior on the ONE day that he asks to remember him?  I challenge you all to think about what are some things you can do better to become closer to the savior on the sabbath day, and some things you can choose to do on another day.  I know it will bless your lives, (and heaven knows i need to be better when i'm home on the sabbath day too!)

WOAH ALSO IT'S RAMADAN I ALMOST FORGOT. soooo as missionaries we have to respect the religion here, so we cant eat or drink in public until it's 6 pm ITS SO COOL,  what a great experience for a whole month!!
and yes there was a bomb in jakarta, but everything is okay,  god watches over his missionaries, sister Hariyadi and I were going to an appointment that day where it happened.... but things didnt work out.... THE LORD LOVES US!   

Life is good, search for the happy things in life, dont like doubt or fear bring you down everyday, live in thanksgiving, i've learned so much on my mission and i still have a lot more to learn, but i know Heavenly Father wont ask me to do something if I cant do it without the help of my Savior.  I love this gospel, it's my only hope for a better day.  Have a nice week yall!

Love Sister Rowntree

2) more cute missionaries
3) Sister Hariyadi
5) this is how happy i am bc i'm in jakarta
6) Sister Davis and Sister Rowntree back at it again.  (also this was just yesterday and we contacted SOOOO many people and SOOOOO mnayy ppl wanted pictures with me bc of my hair shahahahahah SO WE MET A PAPUAN FAMILY (the black indonesians) AND WERE GOING TO MEET THEM AND TEACH THEM I'M SO PUMPED!!1 OKAY BYYEEEE<3

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