Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sidekick in Jakarta

Halo Keluarga dan temanku!  minggu ini GILA BANGET.

Surprise!! I'm JAKARTA right now!!  Thursday, Sister Angelie got a phone call from President on Wednesday telling us to pack up for a week in Jakarta.  Now, I'll tell you the background story of why in the world we had to go in the first place! 
This past week and a half or so, Sister Angelie has been terribly sick, sick enough that we couldn't go out and work for days.  (So this email isn't going to have too much to say) I've been taking care of my poor companion (and watching the best 2 years over and over and over again)  Bad news... After we met with the fancy doctors here in Jakarta the news was that Sister Angelie had to go home ):  (to bogor which is like 40 minutes from jakarta without traffic)  So, it's been a really really hard few days, I know Sister Angelie really didn't want to leave the mission, but there's good news, with her new antibotics, if she heals after 3 weeks she can return!  BUT transfers are up, so she will not be returning to Malang with me, which means, I'M GOING TO BE LEADING THE AREA SWEET NIBBLETS, (if you cant tell, i'm a little stressed) but it will be fine... hopefully haha please pray for me, if yall knew me before the mission, you know i'm terrible at directions (especially my right and left) and the traffic here is still BACKWARDS, adu. It will be okay, so now.  Here i am in Jakarta with the Sister Training Leaders.  I'm like the side chick here, but I'm learning sooooo much with being here with the sister training leaders, i love them so so much,  they're great and they help me feel so much better about better about the way i teach and about my language.  They're so great, Sister Solomon is actually going home on WEDNESDAY crazy huh!  She's been my Sister Training Leader since I arrived in Indonesia in December!  It'll be sad to see her go!  I've had so much fun here, she's teaching me how to play the ukelele,  it's way hard!  but they sell Uk's in Malang for way cheap, so guess who's excited to go back to Malang on Thursday, i sure am.  

okay.  so i'm still going to be in Jakarta anyways on thursday because ELDER SOARES FROM THE PRESIDENCY OF THE 70 IS COMING TO JAKARTA! Soooo we're going to have ALL THE MISSIONARIES IN THE INDONESIA JAKARTA MISSION COME HERE!!! Which means..... I GET TO SEE MY MTC COMPANIONS AGAIN!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!  I love Sister Patton and Fulgsang so so much, I'm so excited to learn from Elder Soares too (so my next email will be way spiritual i'm sure.) So i will find out who my new companion is after the meeting on thursday and we'll head off to Malang together! I think there are about 90 missionaries only in our mission, maybe that's not a lot, but our mission is absolutely ginormous, it's the entire country!!  to get to the farthest end of the country to the other side is a loooong plane ride.  I can't wait to meet everyone too. 

I dont have much else to say, this week has been crazy, skyping with my cute family last week was great too, until Thursday, I'll still be here riding buses and being stuck in traffic in Jakarta, this city is so cool I hope I serve here one day.

Have a nice week everyone, this church is true,  I learn so much everyday from the scriptures, especially the book of Mormon, I know it is the word of God and my faith is always strengthened when I read it.  President Monson counseled to us all in conference to read from it everyday.  I know he is called of God to be the Prophet today and I substain him and I challenge you all to adhere to his words.  What the prophet tells us is from God, what God wants us to do is the most important thing because He knows best.  I know Joseph was called to restore Christ's original church back to the earth, I am so grateful for Joseph Smith's sacrifice for us all to have the wonderful blessings of the Restoration.  I know that without the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we would not have the knowledge of God's plan of Happiness for us all! How sad is that! but we dont have to be sad! God lives, He's real, He does have a plan for us!  And Jesus Christ is the center of His glorious plan.  I love my Savior, He has become my best friend, He's the only one I can lean on and rely on through the hard times, I sure hoep you all know that He's always there for you, waiting for you to come unto Him, so He can lift you up too.  I love you all, I can feel your prayers, and I thank you for them. 

Love Sister Rowntree

1)  Sister Angelie and I at the airport
2) Bye bye sister Angelie )):
3) Sister Nainggolan and Sister Solomon foto bombing  (oh yeah this is at stake conference in jakarta so guess what.  I SAW ALL OF MY BOGOR PALS AND MEMBERS IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!)
4) Sister Bourelle! <3
5) Mutia from Bogor!!! <3
6) Me and the Sister Training Leaders, Sis. Solomon and Sis. Hariyadi
7) Sister Hariyadi (:

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