Monday, March 27, 2017

Life is too short to not have the Pure Love of Christ

This week was insane, we had a tragic loss in our Ward.  Our friend Brother Denny suddenly passed away ):  (He's the one who introduced Kirei into the church and Baptized her ))': )  
So with going to funerals this week and trying to cope with everything,  my testimony of the Plan of Salvation was strengthened again.   When my sweet Grandmommy passed away, of course I was sad,  but she lived an amazing life and she was 97! we were expecting it ya?  With Brother Denny he was my friend!  I've only been in Bogor for 3.5 months, but the members here have literally become my family and I cherish all of the relationships I've built. 
So Sister Davis and I really had to study hard this week to prepare ourselves to help Kirei, we knew she'd have even more questions about the spirit world and what is going to come in the future.   I've grown such an appreciation of the Plan of Salvation.  I know we have a loving Father in Heaven, and I know He wants us all to return to Him, and if we just follow His perfect Son and rely on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ we can. 
This week is PLD, so I'm excited to go to Jakarta again,  I'm excited to learn from our President and find some answers to my prayers, so next weeek's email will probably be more spiritual.
I have one cool story, we were contacting on the train (because all of our appointments failed again -____-' )  I love talking to people, especially now that I can understand indonesians soooo much better than before, i'm not afraid to talk to people anymore! The gift of Tongues is real yall.   so i was talking to this lady,  and she was asking what are message is about, so i whipped out my Kitab Mormon,  Sister Davis is soooooo good at explaining the Book of Mormon, i still get nervous and confused on how to say '' JUST READ IT ITS GOOD AND YOU'LL BE SAVED" in indonesian (;   but i had a prayer in my heart that Heavenly Father would bless me with strength to explain it well enough that she could understand what i was saying.   after my little prayer all of a sudden i received strength to bare testimony of the fulness of the gospel contained in both the book of Mormon and bible, and by reading both we can receive a full witness that Jesus is the Christ and that he is the Savior of the World.  it was really cool, so now i'm not afraid to give away book of Mormons.  we gave away 6 this week!  Hopefully those 6 people will be interested and want to learn more.  
and then with our investigators,  Kristin..... we invited her to be baptized AGAIN.  the answer is still "oh i need to learn more"  BUT WE'VE LIKE TAUGHT HER EVERYTHING UGGHHHH i don't know what to do hahahah.  I know if she just reads the book of mormon and prays about it, she'll feel that burning bosom in her heart!!! 

Sorry this email is so short.  I'm not quite sure what else to say.   This church is true yall, if it wasn't i wouldn't be here!  Heavenly Father loves you, He loves you!  So keep trying your best and keep relying on the Savior for help and guidance in your life, you'll be happier i promise! (:
OH YAH and the title of my email, this is another thing that I learned from Brother Denny's passing.  Life is just WAY TOO SHORT!    Why not be nice to everyone you see, try to befriend a person that's lonely, try to be patient with those you don't get along with.  Life is too short to not have the pure love of Christ embedded in your soul!  I know it's hard sometime to love everyone,  but if we pray with all the energy of our souls to Heavenly Father for help, he will soften our hearts,  pray for opportunities to serve others!  The more we strive to become like Christ, the Happier we'll be!  I know that's true! ​​
okay okay have a nice week yall! (:

1)  i woke up to this view today!!
2) i've started drawing again so I drew this for my favorite Indonesian here, Tessa, she's so cute (':
3)  In Memory of Brother Denny (Me, Bro Denny and his sister love love love to sing together (:  )  (and sorry i'm not cute and in my pajamas i had just woken up hahaha) NOTE FROM MOM-THIS IS THE ABOVE VIDEO THAT I CAN'T GET TO WORK.  I LEFT THE LINK IN CASE SOMEONE ELSE CAN.

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