Sunday, March 19, 2017

Indonesia: It's beautiful

Kabarnya keluarga dan teman saya!  Minggu ini biasa, tetapi masih hebat sekali!

We have 3 simpatisan's (investigators)  who have so much potential!  Ibu Kristin,  Ibu Wice and Ibu Rosita,  I'm always so so excited to meet with them and teach them!  We just have to get them to church... hopefully this week that will happen!! (:
Today I wanted to talk about some amazing and crazy things about this beautiful country of Indonesia.  One day while Sister Davis and I were riding a big old rachet bus,  out to the middle of nowhere to meet with a member,  a sweet spirit came over me, and I really took the time to appreciate where I am serving!  Indonesia is so so so so SO beautiful, it's so green everywhere you go!  Even though I was on a raggedy bus, surrounded by a bunch of smokers and it was hot and i was sweaty,  I could'nt've been happier!  
1.  We ride in these little mini van things called angkots,  here in Bogor their green and blue, and everyday there are these guys called  Pengamen,  ranging from ages 7-30,  they jump in the angkots while we're driving and they sing for us!  it's so funny, especially if they try to sing english songs,  they use Ukelele's (the strings are usually made from rubber bands)  it's so funny, but it's cute, so i usually give the really good ones or the cute little kids my little indonesian coins!  (hopefully i'll get a picture of them one day)
2. Random Bapak,  for some bizarre reason, this week we had like 3 random older guys come up to us and speak broken english with us!! it's so funny, usually while were walking down the streets we always get cat calls,  everyone calls us "mister" they say "HEY MISS HEY MISS MISTER MISTER"  They don't know the difference of miss and mister and it's so funny!  Lots of people try to say a random english sentence to us, the funniest is "my name is"  with their indonesian accents, and then... they don't tell us their names! 😂 it's so hilarious, because they don't understand what they're even saying.  Oh i love indonesians.  and with the random guys that came up to us, we got there numbers and one of them became the elder's new investigator so THAT was awesome.  
I can't even explain how beautiful Indoneisa is,  at least here in bogor,  we have one mountain, i forgot the name (it's really like a hill compared to utah's mountains)  but its so pretty,  everyday we walk down really terribly made streets made of concreate and stones.  to get to our house we have to walk up a huge hill every night so that's fun. 
This week hopefully we'll be able to see Ibu Kristin Rosita and Wice a bunch,   the more i find people and teach, the more i feel like I"m improving. I still need to work on my bahasa so i can teach better, but i know the lord makes up the difference always!  
Oh ya quick spiritual thought,  I forgot where I read this from, but from my studies this week my goal was to make my prayers more sincere and to really try to become more humble.  The Lord commands us to be like little children right?  to submit our whole will to our father in heaven ya?  It's so hard!!  But i've noticed a difference in the way i think, when I walk in face and LIVE in faith, I know everything will work out, I try to have the spirit guide my prayers,  and i think of what Heavenly father wants ME to do, not what i want Him to bless me with.  He already knows what we need right?  But if we try to humble ourselves more and pray for others first before us He'll bless us even more.  I challege you guys to pray just a prayer of thanks for a day or 2,  I promise you'll start to see a difference in your life, you'll become more full of gratitude, it will make your life so much more happier!  I'm glad I'm here, and I love being a missionary.  Have a nice week yall! (:

1) Sister Davis and I went to Kebun Raya (it's this wayy fancy awesome park in Bogor) for PDay last week!  today we're going to another park with the elders and playing cards I'M SO EXCITED 
2) I was feeling myself that day, the fro was fab.
3) just look how green everything is
4) Hi i love being a missionary 
5) Me and cute Sister Davis (LOL look how sweaty we are #IndonesiaJakartaMission)
6)  yes i found Naruto manga here in Indonesia, NO I'M NOT READING THEM DONG, but i'm saving them for when i get home and can read NARUTO in INDONESIAN I LOVE MY LIFE AHAHA

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