Sunday, March 5, 2017

The work continues

So,  ya know a few weeks ago i was like, woooow the work is so slowwww, BUT THIS WEEK, we had 3 NEW INVESTIGATORS!!!  What a miracle!!!!  
So the first lady we met her 2 weeks ago, we were trying to search for some refferals that a member gave to us so we went on 2 adventures that day,  we found out the refferals weren't even living in bogor, BUT we met Adriena!!  Shes' like.... maybe 50 and she has ALLLLL this kids living in her house like grand kids and all there cousins they'r'e so cute,  we "How to begin teaching" with her (basically like, telling her our purpose as missionaries,) and introduced the Book of Mormon to her.  ( ya konw how like, everyone in america knows a thing or two about the book of mormon, and it's usuually not a good thing right?)  WELL ITS LIKE THAT HERE TO ESPECIALLY if they're Christian.  So i always get so scared when we're about to teach about the Kitab Mormon (indonesian) cuz i don't know if they'll freak out and say  '' THERES ONLY ONE WORD OF GOD GINI GINI GINI, YOUR BOOK IS SESAT (kinda translated like cult) "  bc the Christians here, (we call em Fish)  ((remember Jesus said to his apostles, "I'll make you fishers of men"))  GET IT LOL,  anyways,  if they're fish, they're usually SO DEDICATED TO THEIR PENDETA's  (preachers)  the struggle is real..... BUT SHE WAS SO OPEN, it was so nice,  and all of the kids gathered around me so i showed them the pictures in the front of the book and i did my best to explain them all while Sister Davis was talking with Adriana,  it was a good lesson and i know that Kitab Mormon is literally the key to a simpatisan's conversion!!  
Then there was Ibu Sri, shes so cute, the elders met her on the train and we ended up being in her area!  Her 2 daughters were there too, and she's fish.  (we have code names for the different religions here so we don't offended anyone while we're talking..... )  anyways, here daughters were there too, and we did the same thing, HTBT and introduced Kitab Mormon,  .............. it almost turned into a bible bash it was scary ahahha but Sister Davis is so smart and chill and controled the situation,  her daughter just kept POUDNING us with questions like DO YOU BELIEVE THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND GINI GINI GINI,  I was so stressed out hahahahah.  but it's fine, we just bore our testimonies and told em we're not there to force them to do ANYTHIGN, we're just here to invite them to come unto Christ and Kitab Mormon will bring more happiness in their lives!!!! 
I hope we'll see em again this week, and I hope we keep finding people to teach!!!!  I'm waaaay out of time, but i love you all and I love you all for your encouragements and kind emails to me. Have a nice Christ centered week everybody! The Church is true!! <3

finally i got a good computer to send more pics!!
1) here's cute anita again at her baptism, she was confirmed yesterday (':

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