Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Promised Land

Seriously, Indonesia is the PROMISE LAND,  Anita got baptized yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT,  and i'm finally finished with training!!!!  Can you believe it's almost been 3 months since i've been in Indonesia?!??!?  3 of my investigators have been baptized the past 3 months, that is seriously MIRACULOUS!! I love it here in Bogor,  and transfers are over and Sister Davis and I are still companions, she's been in bogor for almost 8 months ahahhahaha we were POSTIVE she was going to move!!!  noppee one more transfer with me!
YES ANITA GOT BAPTIZED, it was so amazing and our president let us take a road trip to Bekasi ahahha!!!!  ayyyeeeee road tripppp,  Bekasi is like an hour from Bogor, IT'S SO HOT EVERYWHERE ELSE IN INDONESIA, in Bogor it just rains everyday, literally.  Now, each morning and afternoon it's BURNING HOT, i'm literally turning into Akon WITH 100 SPF SUNSCREEN, and then in the evenings IT THUNDERS AND LIGHTNINGS LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW, on Saturday i LITERALLY thought someone got shot, that's how loud the thunder here is IT'S SICK!!!!!!
So now that Anita's baptized, we're like.... uhhhh... crap... we need to find more investigators!!  So we're gonna keep ourselves super busy this week!  We have to keep finding Heavenly Father's elect, those who are prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ! 
Are my emails spiritual enough for yall?  I don't know what else I can tell ya, the work is slow but it's also fast and awesome, what do YOU guys want to hear, because my brain forgets pretty much everything except for awesome events like ANITA'S BAPTISM!  
I'll just bare my testimony,  this work is so real, God is real, and he is our father!! and i know that it's true!!!  I know Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and he loves us too1! isn't that so awesome???  OH I HAVE A SCRIPTURE FOR YALL  Revelation 21: 3-4,  it's my favorite and it's so beautiful, just picture yourself personally while you read it!  The church is true!! I just want to shout it out the world!!!  Especially to the beautiful people of Indonesia who are just a little lost!  I love being a missionary!  Like, this has been my dream for forever!  and it's actually happening!  I know time is just going to fly by! I want to stay here forever lol!!!!  Read your scriptures, say your prayers and know that god really really does love you!!!  Have a good week!!!

(i have soooooooooooooo many pics to send... BUT THIS COMPUTER STINKS AND WONT READ MY CARD)  so these 2 pics are from Sister Davis's camera,  ANITA'S BAPTISM AHH!!!!! <333

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