Tuesday, February 7, 2017

More Sleep! Sent 2/5/17

Halo keluarga dan teman saya!  Minggu ini luar biasa, dan saya mengasihi melayani di Bogor, ada mukjizat di mana mana, dan saya tahu Tuhan Yesus Kristus mengasihi orang orang di Indonesia <3

Woah, so something pretty historical happened this week.  THE MISSIONARY SCHEDULE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DIFFERENT.  It's completely changed and we get MORE SLEEP HAHAHAHAHAHAH WHAT A MIRACLE I AM SO HAPPY SO SO SOS HAPPY.  Like, we don't have to plan at night anymore!!  So if we come home at 8:30 or 9  WE CAN WRITE IN OUR JOURNALS AND THEN SLEEP. WAHT WHAAAAAAAAAAT, I'm so excited, yes we still have to wake up at 6:30 no problem, but we have to be out the door at 10 am instead of 12, it's so cool,  I feel like I have sooo much more time!!!
Okay this week,  Kirei was confirmed!!  It was beautiful, Han2 and none of our investigators came to church )): So that was sad, but while we were in Bogor 1 ward, SISTER RETNO WALKED IN, she hasn't been to church in 5 MONTHS!!!!  So everything was so much better and we still had a miracle!!  ANNNND Anita went to church finally in Bekasi!!!  She's going to get baptized on the 19th, and.... Sister D and I have to beg President to let us go to her baptism cuz Bekasi is not in our area.......... BUT WE'RE STILL TEACHING HER, so pray for a miracle ya? 
lol quick funny story before i talk about PLD,  I'm sitting in a Warnet rn ya...... and all of a sudden, this Indonesian is just sitting right behind Sister D and I ...................... I don't know why......... he's reading this as I type it.... like he's way close.... apa heck ya..... it's really funny cuz he can't understand english.... HOPEFULLY.
OKAY THIS WEEK WAS PLD, we spent 2 days in Jakarta!!! I seriously love jakarta sooo much, since I'm a bule people ACTUALLY want to talk to me in Jakarta, here in Bogor they just think i'm from Papua so no one wants to talk to me, kasihan saya )':  Just kidding it's fine, BUT I GAVE AWAY A BOOK OF MORMON in Jakarta, it was so great, I just love people so much and I hope the missionaries in Jakarta will contact her.  So PLD is like Zone Conference, so we meet with President and his wife and allll the missionaries in our Zone.  It was so great.
We watched the Missionary Broadcast and it was SO COOL,  ya know the church's headquarterrs in SLC,  it was there, and it was in this business looking room and Elder Bednar, and Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and other fancy spiritual people were there, and it was just the COOLEST THING.  They talked about all of my concerns and fears as a missionary, and it wasn't like they said these AMAZING wayyyy spiritual things...  They were just speaking from the heart, and it was so interesting to see Apostles of the Lord speaking like they were in a regular meeting, kinda like... ya know when we're in sunday school and people participate and we just discuss spiritual stuff and it's awesome?  It was like that.  So  I realized that woah, if Heavenly Father calls normal people to be Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm going to be just fine here as a Missionary.
I forget what scripture it is.... it says something like,  The Lord calls the simple and the weak to accomplish God's work or something... BUT IT'S SO TRUE, I am not a perfect teacher, my bahasa is not perfect at all, but I do have a testimony!  And even though I feel inadequate, I know that the Lord will make up the rest!  It's so cool,  Our Heavenly Father sees so much potential in us... SO SEE THE POTENTIAL IN YOU.  You're a child of God and He loves you perfectly! So act like it! Stand up for what you believe in, share your testimony often, always have the Savior's name on your lips and represent Him with the way you act and treat others.  
Sorry if this email was weird, the weeks just keep flying by and the days get all mixed up and I can't remember much cuz we're always teaching ya know?  It's great though, and Indonesia is amazing!  And the Indonesian behind me is STILL THERE LIKE HE'S SO CLOSE APA HECK HAHA .  Love you all , thank you for your support and prayers!  You're always in mine <3
1)  PLD/Jakarta Sisters
2) Sister Davis my companion! <3
3) my crazy adorable district! <3 

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