Sunday, February 12, 2017

Puji Tuhan

Halo keluarga dan Teman saya! 
So.  This week was pretty slow, honestly, ever since Febuary started the work has kinda slowed down...  Anita is ready to be baptized, so we're hoping the 29th will be perfect for her!  and other than Anita...we really don't have a lot of progressive investigators...... okay we have none.  wahdu. the struggle is real.  So President wants us to work on FINDING and it's exTREMELY hard to do in a country which the prominent religion isn't ours yeah ahahah.  It's been a trial for me to keep having faith to find those who are ready to listen to our message.  Like, it's SO HARD.   I don't know how else to explain it, we meet someone and we're like OH THEY'RE GOLDEN LETS GO TEACH EM, and they give us wrong numbers or don't answer their phones or we come to their house and they act like they don't know us cuz the parents are there and it's the most PAINFULLY awkward lesson EVER.  ya. that happened. I was so sad ahaha.  orrrrrr we have an experience like this
Puji Tuhan:  (Praise the Lord)  so you know in America we have Southern Christians that are like PRRAIIIISEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE LORD HALLELUJAHHHHH.  Well.  We've got em in Indonesia too.  So the Elders met this 70ish year old lady in an angkot,  her name is Ibu Wenni, and she LOVES Jesus.  Loves him.  Like, she's been baptized 5 times and EVEN GOT BAPTIZED IN THE JORDAN RIVER IN JURUSELAM LIKE. LOVES TUHAN.  so we go to her house, hoping we can invite her to read the book of Mormon and come unto Christ even more,   the entire time we're trying to talk and get to know her,  she'll RANDOMLY STOP EVERYTHING and start praying.  OHHH TUHAN MA KASIH MA KASIH PUJI TUHAN TUHAN MEMBERKATI (  oh praise you Jesus all praises to you, God bless you god bless you) seriously it's the funniset thing of my entire life, like we're like trying to bare our testimonies and just starts praying and praising the lord so WE have to stop too and bow our heads, and we're just trying not to die of laughter.  oh my goodness, it was crazy.  So, we HTBT with her and give her a book of mormon, and make a return appointment.  YAY WE HAVE A NEW INVESTIGATOR FINALLY!  and not even an hour later she calls us and asks us for 200,000 rupia -_________________-"  okay. we don't have a new investigator.  (if only you could see my face of irritiation and hear my sigh)  
I have faith though,  we will find Heavenly Father's elect, who are searching for truth.  this is the Lord's work,and it will never stop.  The only thing I need to do is actually talk to everyone, you all know me, I can usually never shut up, but  I still get scared some times to talk to people... it's really hard ahahaha, but I'll keep trying and I'll keep finding and I'll keep having faith and hope for the work to speed up again.  The same goes for you guys in your lives,  "You keep walking, don't you give up!  The Lord loves you"  -(some quote from Elder Jefferey R. Holland) 

OH AND A QUICK FUNNY/ TERRYIFING STORY. Oh my goodness oh my goodens.. OH MY GOODNESS. so.  we're on the train on our way home, and you ALL know that i am TERRIFIED OF BUGS RIGHT!?>!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?  Oh. my goodness.  OH . MY GOODNESS.  It had been a looooooooooong day, and it's night time so i'm already tired ya, the train stops at cibeno,  and I look out the door, and there are these NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY N A S T Y flying nasty creatures ,  they're like, ew.  i don't even know how to explain them, but their these huge ugly nasty disgusting flying bugs.  ew.   AND I LOOK OUT. AND I'M LIKE, EW, THEY'RE SO GROSS, I HATE THEM (cuz sometimes random nights they all come out and i have to use my book of mormon to protect me and swat at them when i'm walking anywhere)  AND I'M LIKE. OH. Heavenly father, please please don't let them come in here,  I thought there was only a couple..... BUT NO. THE TRAIN STAYED THEIR FOR LIKE TEN. YEARS. SO ALLLL OF THESE NSATY DISGUSTING NASTY BUGS FLEW INTO THE TRAIN AND GOT TRAPPED INSIDE. IT WAS A LIVING NIGHTMARE, I COULDN'T BREATHE OR THINK MY ANXIETY SHOT OUT THE ROOF BECAUSE I WAS /TRAPPED/ IN TRAIN, WITH MONSTERS OH MT GOODNESS I ALMOST DIED, I LITERALLY ALMOST DIED, it was so awful, and you all know how dramatic i am, so just picture that for awhile, it'll make you laugh ya?  It was so not funny.   Have a good week!  Read your scriptures, say your prayers, and don't get trapped in a train full of bugs! <3
-Sister Rowntree
1)  We teach English class every wednesday night!
2) the stupid lock to our gate for our house rusted so bad we couldn't open it, SO WE LITERALLY CLIMBED OUR FENCE FOR LIKE A WEEK, and guess who broke the lock with a hammer? Your home girl  (me dong)
3) My sweet little Tessa,  she's doing the (Sister Rowntree pose)  I love her so much (':​​

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