Sunday, February 19, 2017

Gifts from God

Halo semuanya!  Minggu ini luar biasa...
This week I've experienced sooo many emotions but I've also receieved so many tender mercies and have seen the Lord's hand in my life, and my testimony has strengthened on how much our Father in Heaven knows us individually.
So last monday my sweet mother warned me that my Sweet Great Grandmother wasn't doing too well,  we had a really close bond together, and I hadn't seen Grandmommy Bun since I was 15 or 16.  For some reason, I thought in my head, "oh she'll be okay, she's been kicking butt at 97+ for forever.
Tuesday, I get a phone call from President, I didn't think anything about it, and then he told me the news of my Grandmommy's passing, he read the sweet email from my beautiful mother and at that moment all i wanted to do was call my mom ):  Here I am sitting at a little restuarant waiting for my food and studying bahasa, and at that moment I realized, there was nothing I could do.  I felt so sad, and felt all this regret for not writing my Grandmommy and not doing this and that,  I probably looked ridiculous to all Indonesian's around and poor Sister Davis didn't really know what to do with an upset Sister Rowntree haha,  BUT,  at my deepest time of despair, I received a witness of the truth of the Plan of Salvation.  I kept thinking to myself, "wow , this sucks, how can I just go back to normal and find and teach repentance and invite others to come unto christ right now???? I just want to talk to my mom and see my Grandma one last time"   I felt my Grandmommy's presence, and I felt a warm feeling of God's love in my heart, and I felt my Savior's arms wrapped around me as I sat in this tiny restarant in Indonesia.  It was a very sacred moment for me and it gave me the energy to get back up and keep doing the Lord's will.  I know my grandma is proud of me for my decision to serve the Lord, I know I will see her again, I felt her there with me at the time I learned of her passing,  I know she's finally with Granddaddy again and I know they're watching over me.  I know I have one more angel watching over me especially in times when I feel homesick and sad and feel like giving up.  I know Indonesia is where I'm supposed to be,  there are so many people here that don't know the truth, they have no idea  they can see their loved ones again, and I can't wait to find the people who will listen.
Wednesday:  SISTER LINDA K. BURTON PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL RELIEF SOCIETY CAME TO JAKARTA INDONESIA .  Oh my goodness.  so so sososoooooooooo cool. SO COOL.  She's such a remarkable lady and I know she's called of God.  My ward in Bogor had the opportunity to be the choir, so we were in the front row on the wednesday meeting for all the woman,  AND ME AND THIS CUTE SISTER ANNABELL HAD A DUET SO GUESS WHO SANG IN FRONT OF SISTER BURTON. ya. your girl here, in the front row, it was so scary.  But awesome.  
Thursday:  we had another meeting with Sister Linda K. Burton and Elder Funk of the SEVENTY , he's like the presdient area asia SO COOL, HE WAS ONE OF THE FIRST MISSIONARIES IN INDONESIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH IT WAS SO COOL.  I HAD LUNCH WITH SISTER BURTON, LIKE LITERALLY SAT ON THE SAME SMALL TABLE WITH HER!!!
Okay, and now i'll tell ya some things I learned from her.  There's so many, so i'll try to sum it up.  Wednesday, I learned about Gifts from God,  everything in life is from God, and I promise if we try and look hard to see the lord's hand in our life, we will find little gifts from God everyday.  
Okay, I'm really bad at summarizing, and I have no more time lol whoops, maybe next week i'll share in more detail, here's one quote for all my SISTAS out there wanting to serve.   "Sister Missionaries are CHANGING the church, when they return home with honor, they have so many more experiences and they KNOW how to teach in the Savior's way according to the needs of members."  Sister Burton afterwards BANGED HER FISTS on the table and said ''GO GET EM!"  with the cutest smile, wow, it was so amazing!
The church is true, if you don't know it yet, find out ya?
<3/ Sister Rowntree
OH I FORGOT TO TELL YA,  I DRANK COBRA BLOOD ON P DAY AHHAHAA i'll send the video next week,  
1) Cobra Sate
2) I drank the blood, and some guts and then ate yummy cooked Cobra Sate
3) My cute District in the Cobra place

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