Monday, October 30, 2017

Divine Destiny

wow!  this wek FLEW by!
Surprise!  We had to say goodbye to Sister Ratunuman!  she was supposed to be here for 2 more weeks, but Sister Stefani randomly got transfered to Malang, so I will miss my old companion,  but I know I'll see them again soon in November because nowwww as Sister Training Leaders we can go into the other sisters area's for splits and to do a house check!  Sup[er stoked to be able to go back to my old area <3  Monday we celebrated sister ratu's 20th birthday,  she bought us all pizza ( i know what youre' thinking  SHE baught YALL stuff on HER birthday?!?!?)  it's an indonesian tradtion so i aint complaining :p  I surprised her with JCO frozen yogurt too, it was fun and we jammed with our ukelele's again with the elders!

Tuesday:  I left for Jakarta with the Zone Leaeers for MLC,  so fun the food was great and we were all called to repentance!  I lvoe repentance, I am so grateful for this gospel, like, us unperfect creatures mess up everday and fall shrot from teh glory of God like, wE ARE LESS THAN THE  DUST OF THE EARTH cuz when god says "dust, move."  it moves.  and when god asks us to do simple things like "pleaser ead your scriptures child, say yoruu  prayers, and go to churhc."  we're like, "nahhhh..."  like in Mosiah 4:5

"For behold, if the knowledge of the goodness of God at this time has awakened you to a sense of your NOTHINGNESS, and your WORTHLESS and FALLEN STATE"  MAN!  that's like a nice slap to the FACE!  I LOVE THE SCRIPTURES!  but even though we do mess up everyday, God stilll loves us!  It's like what Sister Joy D. JOnes says,  we are never worthless, we will alawys ahve worth, even when we're not worthy.  Repentance is so great.  we can try again and again and Heavnely FAther will be pleased with us if we're sincere!  isnt' that beautiful?  I feel pumped!

our investigators are great but we need to find more taht will act!   Our theme lately in our mission is really really focusing on the |Book of Mormon, to be personally converted to it and using it with power in order to help our investigators become converted.  I love the Book of Momron, and i"m trying to study it even more prayerfully so I can help my investigators here too.

This is sister Hdy'es last week as a missionary!! she's freaking out!  we've made huge goals.  we want 10 investigators to hcurch this sunday and to find 10 new investogators.  go big or go home  (lol literally)  so weird,  and I still can't believe i'm on my lsat 6 month stretch.  so weird, was the MTC really just a year ago?  weeeiirrrdddd.

well that's about it yall,  surabaya is still hot but it's great, we meet really cool peopel everyday.  Mission work is so legit and OH I ALMOST FORGOT.

Let me tell yallw aht i got from chruch eysterday.

I was called to repentacne AGAIN (but i'm feeling SOOO ALIVE bc of it.)
soooo i'm not sure if it was a worldwide church thing, but every class and talk in sacrament meeting was all about family history work!
can i just say that Elder Rasband's talk about here are no coincidences and it's all in God's plan is SO TRUE.  do yall remember how baad i wanted to serve in japan on my mish? lol.  did the apostles who assigned my mission know taht my biological father was apart of the wonderful islamic religion?  no.
HOW INSPIRED IS MY CALL, IS EVERY MISSION CALL!  while we were wathching the videos form the church about family histroy work i was like.  woah. l ike. I have NO IDEA about my birth dad's side.  his parents, their parents, were tehy aprt of that religion since forever or waht?  I HAVE NO IDEA,  and now i'm in a country where i can learn about out their religion!  I just know the lrod sent me her to (yes invite other s to come unto christ)  but also to learn about my birth dad's religion and maybe even my ancestors religion who knows.  Iknow taht this will opent he door for my family to learn more about this gospel and i know my ancestors are waiting for me to find their names so ic an take them to the temple! I'M PUMPED!!!    Ihope you will all start today, to help out your ancestors who are waiting for their ordinances to be done!

I looveeee this tgospel,  I love my Heanly Father, and I'm so greatful for the Precious gift of his beloved son Jesus Christ.  I'm so greatufle for hte Savrior's sacrifice, I know taht he's REAL and LIVES.  and this is HIS CHRUCH, and everyone needs this in their lives.  I hope yall will pray for  missionary opportunities to share how the restored gospel has blessed your life with yoru friends.  they need you.
I love you all thanks for the love and support!  have a wonderful week!
<3 Sister Rowntree

1) cute district\
2)mlc with zone leaders

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