Sunday, October 8, 2017


It’s still blazing hot, and ya know, in Utah there’s a ton of roadkilled deer?  Well that’s how it’s like here in Surabaya with rats x10

Keluarga dan temanku gimana kabarnya?

Last night (Tuesday) we taught Ibu E again. SHE COMMITED TO BAPTISM! And now we’re going to try to work with her son too who’s 8 so he can be baptized!(:

It’s Thursday night and we just got home from the CRAZIEST bike ride of my life, holy cow.  SOOOO FAR, SOOOO DARK, HUUUUUGE TRUCKS on a crazy street, wow it was crazy. But we are alive, and our new investigator is so amazing. She LOVED church last week, and she says while she’s at work she’s counting down the days until church again (‘:  isn’t she wonderful?

Also last night Wednesday night, we met with our investigator who came to women’s conference and we taught her and her husband. (they can speak English) and she just poured out her soul to us, and we talked about temples and how her family can be together forever, and how the restored gospel will truly bless her life.  With tears in her eyes she asked, “really?  Will this /really/ help me?”  and we testified that it will, the spirit was so strong I even got teary eyed while talking about how the restored gospel has blessed my family and biological family.  The Lord is too good.

WASN’T CONFERENCE AMAZING?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OH MY GOODNESS. OH. MY GOODNESS. All of my fears and worries and challenges and questions and prayers were answered!!! Every single one!! I made a list.  So I guess I’ve just been going through a midlife crisis (or a HOLY COW I’M HITTING A YEAR ON THE MISSION AND I STILL DON’T HAVE MY LIFE TOGETHER crisis.) and I’ve just been so unsure of myself and just not feeling the best.  Glory to God on high!  Puji tuhan! Allhamduillah! He answered my prayers.  I got the most from conference from the Sunday session bc our ward had headphones where you could listen to it in English (‘:  NOT. That I cant understand it in Indonesian, but the voice overs sometimes don’t translate everything word for word or fast enough and I just really really needed to hear conference in my native tongue. 
Wow. I heard the voice of the lord.  Russel M. Nelson’s talk was literally just for me I swear on my life, okay I’ll just share what I got from it.
1.       What seemed to pop out to me over and over again was “Girlfriend you need to humble your little self “  I swear humility was spoken in so many talks, so that’s one thing I know I need to develop. And just relying on  the lord completely!
2.       2. That I am enough, and God uses the weak to bring amazing things to come forth.
3.       3. THE. BOOK. OF. MORMON. And coming to know my savior even more.  The word of god helps us come to know our savior, and when we know him he can heal us, and help us. But we have to make the choice to act.
4.       I forgot who said it, but something along the lines of, “if you don’t actively live the gospel, you wont have enough light to push away the darkness.” !!!!!! SO COOL SO TRUE!! I know its easy for people to say we just live normal lives, but we aren’t normal people, we are latter day saints, we are the Lord’s people and he expects us to act that way, to give our worldly desires to him. To think of him always.  WE MADE THE COVENANT WITH HIM WHEN WE WERE BAPTIZED, so shouldn’t we live it?  Wow I am pumped!
5.       During Sunday session I literally felt the lord calling me to repentance, I used to before the mission, like, for example, if I was in church and realized I wasn’t doing something or this person seemed more righteous or whatever I would like.. get bitter or feel down.. BUT WE CAN REPENT EVERYDAY! Isn’t that awesome!  Our whole lives should be daily repentance and trying to become better people.
6.       Woah and my testimony was strengthened about Joseph Smith too, I loved all the different pictures they’d showed throughout each talk like “the first vision from afar.” SO BEAUTIFUL. And the savior’s visit to the nephrites and he served them ONE. BY. ONE. Wow. So beautiful. 
7.       I felt so strongly for the first time in my life while President Erying was speaking that “The Lord atoned for YOUR sins.”  I have heard that 12 billion times in my life growing up in the church and I have testified about it 10 million times here on the field, but for once I finally believed it for myself! I cant even begin to describe what I felt on Sunday, with the powerful testimonies and the beautiful angelic music.  The whole room was just filled with the spirit and I truly heard the voice of the Lord speaking to my soul. It was so great. Wow I just.  I’M PUMPED!!  I cant wait for the liahona to come out to study all the other talks in english haha!
I’ve made a lot of goals that I desire to work on, the promises that the prophet, presiden erying and President Nelson explained about the book of mormon just PIERCED my soul. I want that strength, I want to be able to overcome temptation I want to come to KNOW THE LORD!  I hope you all gained something from conference, I hope the lord spoke to you and I hope you’ll be willing to change something in your life to come closer to Christ to be a strong disciple. He needs us to be strong, as the world grows darker and crazier, we have to be strong and firm in the faith in  Jesus Christ. 
I am so so grateful for living prophets and apostles, and I substain all the 12 and the leaders of our church, I know they are called of god and whatever they say is what the Lord would say if he were here.  I know it’s so so important to heed to their counselings to strengthen our families, and remain spotless from the world.  It’s okay to be different, what really matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us!  I love Heavenly Father, and I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I love Joseph Smith and I’m so grateful for his sacrifice in restoring the Lord’s true and living gospel, I love this gospel, I’m so grateful that I can repent everyday and become a new person every day. “ Look unto God and live.”

Our investigators are doing well we had 1 at church and she felt the spirit and it’s just the best thing ever. Sorry no pics from this week I’m a terrible person lol. But enjoy our music videos.  Love you thank you for your support!  Have a Christ Centered week yall! <3 Sister Rowntree

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