Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sorry I couldn't email on the 15th! We had computer problems

What a loooooooong week!
It's like the days feel like absolute years, but the weeks fly by! We have so many great progressive investigators, and have had many miracle contacts and we have had to  drop many wonderful people, but we are here to harvest the field is white says the Lord so we will find those who are ready.

lol one time this week, we were WAY FAR from the city at the Branch President's house and we ended up late there cuz we got lost, so we had to SPEED back to get to our night appointments. i swear, i swear on my life our bike ride was like 6 or 7 or 8 miles, NO JOKE. okay maybe 7 i'm not sure we use Kilometers here in indonesia, but we did it in 50 minutes going up like 2 big hills. we. were. DRENCHED. in sweat. literally. MY ARMS MY FOREARMS were perspirating!!! like i thought cheer summer conditioning was like 3 years ago, oh wait, i'm serving in Indonesia speeding along crazy roads at night on a bike. holy cow. and guess what.
we get there.
(our investigators live literally right by each other) and neither of them were home even though we already made an appointment. ugh. #missionlife

This week is going to be crazy, our lovely sisters in Malang are having a move. Sister Mentari is FINALLY going to the MTC in the Philipines, she's already served for 5 MONTHS. she hasn't gone through the temple yet, because there were not enough Indonesian's leaving on a mission so she had to wait! crazy huh!  I'm so glad she's finally getting to go to the temple for her first time, so since she'll be gone my old companion Sister Ratunuman is coming to Surabaya for 3 weeks!!  we're going to be in a trio!! I haven't been a trio since the MTC! (woah almost a year ago.. o.O)
It's actually really funny too, Sister Hyde is the one who trained sister Ratunuman! and now sister ratunuman is going to be killing off her own mother on the field! The sad thing is, bc we are a trio, it's most likely that Sister Hyde can't go to her last MLC and i'll just fly out to Jakarta next tuesday without her and just the Zone Leaders, I know she's really bummed out from that. and i'm even more nervous cuz i always just look to sister Hyde ya know and now crap. she ain't gonna be there, I gotta get my self together!

WE TAUGHT KAK F FROM PAPUA!! SHE'S A MIRACLE and she came to church!  she loves learning and we can teach her in english!! We tried inviting her to be baptized but she says she's not ready yet, I know she will be soon, President tells us to tell our investigators to not wait for the blessings that come by following Christ's example through baptism.  she is so wonderful, but we can only teach her on saturday and sunday at the Timur church! she's not even in our area but we got special permission to teach her! (:

Ibu E was supposed to get baptized this upcoming sunday but she didnt' come to church again yesterday. -___-' so we will be hoping for the next sunday on the 29th.  THIS MONTH IS GOING BY SO FAST.  she is so great though, she was having a hard time giving up tea but since wednesday i think she's gave it up! she just wants to keep god's commandments it's awesome. 

it was just another normal long and awesome week here in surabaya, we're still trying to find like crazy and we found 9 really good new investigators this week so hopefully they'll become progressive soon.  Missionary work is aweseome.

This sunday i heard a quote from sacrameent meeting that went along the lines of,  "a living prophet is more important than our 4 standard works (the bible, the book of mormon D&C and the pearl of great price)" and i was like woah, are you sure a church leader said that, but now that i think about it, it's so true, our living prophet speaks to god directly TODAY for US and what he says is what God wants us to do, and I know the President Monson is the Lord's voice today, and I'm so grateful for all of our prophets and apostles that lead and guide us today.  It's just another way God shows us that he loves us! I dont have much else to say, but i know this gospel is true with all my heart and I hope you all can find that out for yourself.  Have a Christ centered week yall 
<3/ Sister Rowntree

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