Sunday, October 29, 2017

1 year! (This post was written on Oct 22)

Yall are getting two of my emails this week cuz last week the site was down so we didn't get to email! sorry!


1. SISTER RATUNUMAN'S HERE!! my last companion! she's such a blessing and i didn't realize how much i missed her!  

2. i'm going to MLC tomorrow with the zone leaders!  so i'm a little nervous for the statistical reports but hopefully they'll tell me what i need to say lol. 

3. i've gotten to receieve updates about all of my investigators from Malang!  Our little 9 year old finally got permission from his parents to be baptized!!! (: he was baptized last week, he's such a champ and is such  a strength to his family.
UGH. our investigator that we've been teaching since july (Pak J) has been wanting to be baptized for MONTHS, and his daughter is literally like literally forcing him not to go. sunday morning when he's trying to leave she blocks him and refuses him to go and he has no support from his wife and they're getting all the neighboring christians to talk smack on mormons too and it's just so so hard for him and he's so sad and watns to be baptized but cant cuz he hasnt been to church. ughhhh satan is working so hard in that area.
Even Sister Y is getting persecuted about too, sister Ratu shared with me Sister Y's trials and it's been so hard for her, she didnt want to come to the womens' conference cuz she was just so sad and mad @ the world and us and her problems but she said that the holy ghost was like, "get up, you need to go. you dont have transportation  but you can walk ((the church is way far from her house)) you need to go." and she said she really really didnt want to go  ut she followed the spirit and from sister Ratus' words she was just in tears the entire session and said that heavenly father answered her prayers :') isn't that beautiful?
with all the hardships my investigators in malang are going through, it's just more proof of how real this work is and how real Christ's restored church is.  
I think of the early saints and what they went through, we can't even imagine, but even today we have to be strong in our testimonies of this gospel!

we ahve 2 really progressing investigators, ibu E, she's still not able to get baptized... we gotta get her to come to church, please pray for her,  
and Kak F, from papua, she's so smart and amazing! we taught her again on sunday, and we and SHE is convinced that God sent her here for a reason, she has a spiritual gift and she says she's seen her ancestors before and shse's asked us what are they waiting for, and we talked about the spirit world and temples and we told her, that ther ancestors need her.
She's going to read and pray about the book of mormon again and we specifically asked her to pray about baptism, I know she'll gete her ansswer because she's acting, she comes to church she does her homework, she is just so prepared.

this sunday was AMAZING TOO!! WE HAD S I X INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH!!! WHAT?!?!?!  soooooo cool!!! I've never had tat many beofre!!  so our new investigator brought her PENDETA to our church and he is OSOOOOO INTERESTED he loved learning yesterday, we iwll meet them again on thursday.
we also had a family come, they're so wonderful and Ibu was all teary eyed when the ward sang a child's prayer (it was branch conference) so president rowley was there and all the talks were amazing and exactly what all of our investigators needed to here. including myself!

President rowley talked about inspecting ourselves everyday, asking ourselves, did i do enough today? do i need to repent today?  did i have enough charity?  and the beautiful thing about the gospel is that we can repent everyday, we can wake up a new person everyday. so i challenge you all too to look at yourselves and ask what can you do to come closer to the lord!

also we had training after church about the book of mormon.  it's not enough to just read it, and say, okay i read a few verses i'm good for the day.  we need to soak it in our souls it needs to become apart of us. if we read the book of mormon everyday we're promised strength from above, power to overcome temptation.  we need to be constantly increasing our testimonies of jesus Christ.  I'm so grateful for the book of mormon.  I'm so grateful for the mission it is changing my life.  I hope you all have a nice week!  
<3 sister Rowntree

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