Monday, November 6, 2017

I am of child


TANSFERS.  I swear this was the most dramatic transfer of my life astaGA.

so yes I have some news.  (and this news will explain the title (: )
SURABAYA 2. so it's not that far lol.  I'm just in the other building.. but do you know what that means.....

I'M WHITE WASHING SURABYA 2. which is 12 times bigger.  oh.  white washing= like... sending new missionaries in an area, (like not having just one missionary go in the area with a companion that already knows where things are.)
and top all of that.  IM OF CHILD!   I'M BECOMING A MOTHER!!! (Becoming a trainer (; )  finally after 11 months of being in the country I'm finally going to be able to train a new missionary!! I'm so excited!! but also sooo terrified because I HAVE NO IDEAE WHERE ANYTHING IS IN MY NEW AREA AHH!!!!  we literally hve nothing. lol.  I don't think there's many progressing investigators there cuz there's been no sisters working in the timur area for like 3ish months.....  sooooo this is going to be an adventure but I'm so excited.  miracles happen when you get lost and you don't know where you're going I swear!  it's like nephi when he's like "and the spirit led me beforehand or something I forget" that's how sister ratu and I found sister Y  (':  so I know the Lord is just wanting to me grow again.
mssions are so funny, you start getting comfortable and then the lord's like "nnNOOOPE!"  and smashes a piece of cake in your face do you get what I'm saying?  AND 2 MORE SISTERS ARE COMING TO SURABAYA, so they'll be in my old area... they're so lucky.... sister hyde and I have found over 40 new investigators this last transfer and we have 2 baptismal commitments so the sisters white washing my old area have it SOOOOOO good.  it's ifne. -___-'   (; just kidding, I will do the Lord's will.  yup so that was the explosion, seriously there were so many tears this week hahahaha

wow.   also sister hyde and I worked soooo hard this week. we found our 10+1 new investigators and IBU E and her son came to church! Puji Tuhan!  The lord is so good.  
I just want to share a little thought on faith.  with faith we can do anything.  that's like the main thing I've learned on the field is that I am literally nothing, and can literally do nothing if I don't rely on the lord in every aspect of my life!  wow!  I love this work, sorry this email is short.  Have a nice week yall and find some ways to strengthen your FAITH!

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