Sunday, September 3, 2017

No pics cause I smashed my camera.

Hey friends, gimana kabarnya?

I forgot what happened Monday, so I’ll skip to tonight.

Tuesday: wahhh!! We had the BEST lesson tonight with Mbak K (Sis Y’s friend)
She is reading the book of mormon and she had sooo many questions like, “whats the urim and thummin” (im sorry I cant spell gospel terms in english anymore)  “why did nefi have to kill laban?”  and all these great things, she cant come to church this week cuz she’ll be in batu for 3 days, but keep praying for her so she’ll come next week.
Here’s sister rowntree’s journal entryr from tonight. “Heavenly Father is amazing. The scriptures are amazing. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!  I’m so glad I’ve been studying more diligently and trying to memorzie new verses each day. It’s so fun using the BM to answer questions. The book brings POWER to our lessons. I learn something new everyday that I read. Heavenly Father is so good!”
I hope you all will try to read the scriptures more, I always feel so much closer to god when I do.

Thursday: it’s the night before Hari Raya again, where the non christians will SACRIFICE goats and cows. THERE ARE GOATS AND COWS EVERYWHERE, and I heard they do the sacrificing inside the buildings they pray in, I’m not sure but also I hear that we can watch. Sister Ratunuman is stoked. I’m going to close my eyes and plug my ears, we will see how it goes tomorrow.

Friday: Holy cow. Literally, like 7ish in the morning the neighborhood girls come to our house and their like “sister sisters!!!  Come watch the kurban!!”  (sacrifice.) yup, literally 3 doors down they sacrificed a goat on the side of the road, sister Ratu watched, I stayed within eye sight from her by the Ibu Ibu’s who were too afraid to watch it too, and ate my oatmeal.  Crazy.  We are hoping to go see the cow sacrifice tomorrow morning. I’ll pass but Sister ratu can enjoy for me.  It makes me too sad.  And I saw a cow head just chillin today while we were trying to find our new investigators house, that was enough for me, I almost passed out lol.
But, it’s actually really cool, you know the old prophets used to give sacrifices right?  But we don’t need to anymore because Christ sacrificed himself for us, now, of course the other main religion in Indonesia only believe Christ was a prophet so they still follow the old ways, and also they don’t just sacrifice for fun, buying Goats and cows is so SO expensive, so the peole who are able to buy the meat they  share it with the poor, so literally, everyone who usually neever gets to eat meat, gets to for this one day. It’s really special and these people are just full of love.

We never did see the cow sacrifice sister ratu was too scarred from the goat haha.

Sunday: PAK J AND BU S CAME TO CHURCH!!!!  SUCH A MIRACLE!!  It was also fast Sunday so sister ratu and I fasted for our investigators of course, so it’s Sunday morning and we’re just taking our time getting ready and reading scriptures when all of a sudden pak j calls and he’s like “where are you guys? We’re waiting for you!” and we’re like AHH!!!!!  (:  so exciting, Pak J also BORE HIS TESTIMONY ABOUT THE BOOK OF MORMON IT WAS SO CUTE,  it was really funny too he was so nervous, but I’m guessing this man is just so in tune with the spirit he just had to go up and share his feelings.  We taught them twice this week I think, and Bapak is still loving the book of mormon, and his baptismal date is on the 23rd of September!

This week I’ve been trying to focus my studies on developing christ like attributes and developing more faith, cuz if you have faith, hope and charity, “you will always abound in good works” and that’s my greatest desire now, to do the Lord’s will, to keep moving forward having hope through the atonement that one day all will be well and I will become like my Savior. It’s hard, I am so sassy, and impatient but that’s why we can repent everyday to take it one step at a time to become more and more christlike.
“For behold, that which is from God is light, and He that receiveth light and continues in God receveith more light, and that light grows brighter and brighter until that perfect day.”

I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon, it is full of light, because it is truth, and when I’m feeling down or feel like giving up I just have to open the book of mormon and start to read and it reminds me of who I am, and what I’m here for.  I feel so so much closer to Heavenly Father when I read from the Book of Mormon, I know that He really does know me personally and loves me.  I hope you will all search for God in your life too.
“God is real.
He lives.
He loves you.
He knows you.
He understands you.
He knows the silent pleadings of your heart.
He has not abandoned you.
He will not forsake you.”
Live in Faith yall, do everything you can to gain that testimony I promise you that this is Christ’s restored church and I know that he lives. And I know that he loves us. 
Have a great week.
Sampai Jumpa
-Sister Rowntree

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