Sunday, August 27, 2017

 Hey Yall, kabarnya?
Pray that my alpha smart doesn’t go stupid so I can actually send a good email this week!

Monday:  I ATE COW TONGUE. Now I know never to ask people what kind of meet their feeding us I would’ve been better off not knowing.

Tuesday:  sister Y brought her friend to church and we met her again tonight. SHE IS SO AMAZING she is so open to learn, she said, “well, lots of people have been telling me this book is sesat (like wicked/culty/ lead’s astray) but if this is the lord’s way of leading me to truth I have to find it myself.”  :’) we will see her again on Saturday, her desire to find truth is so pure and beautiful.

Wednesday: Pak J is SO  HILARIOUS. Oh my goodness, so it’s kinda weird how we teach them, first of all we’re teaching on the side of the road where they sell cigs and gas, Bapak is always so pumped to learn, and ibu is taking it slow and it’s a bit squishy (the area where we teach em)  so I have to face the one and sister ratu has to face the other, so I had bapak this time. We read from the book of mormon.  HE WAS SO EXPRESSIVE WHILE READING, it was hilarious, but he absolutely loves the stories, when we read 1 nephi 3 verse 13 where Laban’s like, “yall are robbers I shall slay you”  Bapak was like “HOLY COW THIS GUY IS JAHAT SEKALI (SO MEAN!!!)”  we were dying of laughter.
He then said, “you asked me earlier why I felt luar biasa (SO AMAZING)  THIS. ((holding the book of mormon) Because this is amazing!”  it was so cute, he is just full of joy and he cant wait to be baptized, pray that his wife will want to come to church this Sunday too.

Also this week we have started teaching this adorable 17 year old who is not christian, we first met her in an angkot, and she speaks perfect english and started to come to english class, sh’es the one that we gave the plan of salvation pamphlet to and she told us she wanted to learn more.  HOLY COW she is so smart and she had soooo many questions that were tripping us out! It was awesome!  She was so funny, ya know we’re talking about us as spirits and the pre earth life and the spirit world and then she asks,
“you know angels?”
“Mereka Nggapain?”  (like, what the heck are they doing) it was so funny, maybe it’s only funny in indoensia but I was dying! It’s such a good question, we believe in angels so she’s like, okay, what the heck is their job?  (k maybe it’s not funny to yall but her face was hilarious.)  she is great and wants to learn again this week!

This week we’ve been really trying hard to find more people to teach, we’re trying to talk to everyone or ask everyone for friends we can meet, so this week there’s been a few first (kinda crappy) lessons.  Cuz here’s the thing.  We have a 1 hour lesson rule, and indonesian’s LOVE. LOOOOOOOOVE. TO TALK!! They will go off for like 40 minutes and then they’re like, so why are you here again? And it’s like… uhhh…. No WAY can we teach the restoration in 20 minutes!!!  I mean we could, but we’re supposed to teach people not just give a presentation, so I’ve learned a lot this week on adjusting to different people and what to teach who and stuff like that.

This week has been pretty normal, maybe Saturday and Sunday I’ll have more stories, hopefully my alphasmart will turn on by then.

Yes my alphasmart is still working money in the bank.

Eh Saturday and Sunday were normal days.  We are struggling to get our investigators to come to church again, nothing new!  I will type out my journal entry from Sunday though because church was amazing and the spirit was really strong and it made me cry. 
27th Agustus 2017
“Today was such a good day at church.  It waws a good reminder of how important church is and why I love going to church.  In sacrament meeting, the talks were all about temples.  It really touched my heart hearing Sister Titi’s story.  I just cant believe how much I’ve taken the temple for granted all my life.  The members here have to give their EVERYTHING to be able to go.  I literally have like 4 temples literally 20 minutes each away from me… and my whole life I just didn’t take the time to go.  I also thought about my family,  I don’t know anything about my ancestors.  I just think about how long they’ve been waiting for their ordinances to be performed, and I thought about my birth dad’s family that only believe Jesus to be a prophet, (cuz they’re not of a christian background).  I just wanted to cry thinking about all the blessings they’re missing out on.  I hope I will be able to be able to have a better relationship with my birth dad and his family, and I hope I can find out more of where I come from, and by building a better relationship with him will open the doors for Him to learn about the gospel.”

Those are Sister Rowntree’s thoughts for this week.  I know this gospel is true, and I know it’s only through God’s restored priesthood authority we can return to him and live together forever with our families.  This gospel is so so important, I hope we can all strive to become more like our savior, always looking for opportunities to serve, making time for the temple to serve our loved ones who have passed, to learn and grow everyday closer to our Father in Heaven.

“See that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye shall always abound in good works.”  Alma 7:24

The book of Mormon is so good,  God is good, and missionary work is amazing, I see the Lord’s hand in my life everyday, and I’m grateful for His atonement so I can start over everyday and try again to become a better person.

<3 Sister Rowntree

Sister Rowntree
Jalan Senopati 115
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12190

Please send me letters )’:

our disctrict squad.

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