Sunday, August 13, 2017

A week of miracle (I know, it's cliche but true)

Kabarnya keluarga yg terkasih ku?

Monday: woah. WOAH. We just had the COOLEST LESSON tonight with Pak J and Ibu S, Bapak, has been  doing his homework! Our lessons are quite hilarious though, he’s like 62 and likes to laugh and smile, we are teaching them on the side of the road at their toko where they sell ciagerettes. You never know who’s ready right?  Anyways, every time we meet, he gets out his kitab Mormon and he wants us to reread every verse he already read for homework, and after each verse he asks, “maksudnya ini apa?”  “what does this mean?” you should see us scrambling to get our english scriptures out, it’s hilarious, cuz like, ya I can read the book of mormon in indonesian, BUT he wants to know the meaning of 1 Nephi 2: 24 “and if it so be that they rebel against me, they shall be a scourge unto thy seed to stir them up in the ways of rememberance” YOU TRY EXPLAINING THAT IN INDONESIAN haha, it’s so funny, he is just dying to learn so much.  But here’s the thing.. we’ve been meeting with them for like 2 weeks I think? And WE HAVEN’T TAUGHT THE RESTORATION YET!! Cuz bapak always wants to read from the book of mormon which is AMAZING! But it’s like, bro, do you want to know where this amazing book came from  or nah?
He’s so funny, we finish his verses and he’s like okay ibu (talking to his wife) pray. And we’re like woah woah woah we have one more thing to share with you, have you ever heard of joseph smith?  They both go “apa itu?” what is that? Hhaha, so we tell the story and give the first vision.
During the lesson, sister ratu asked pak if he believed the book of mormon was the word of god.  He said yes,  and if he believed joseph smith was a prophet.  He said yes, “while you were telling His story, I felt goosebumps”  that’s the first thing he said when he started to read the book of mormon, he got goosebumps.  I cant wait til we invite him to be baptized.
This is the guy who saw us with our miracle contact every week, and finally he asked us himself for a book of mormon.  Cool huh?  The Lord’s timing is perfect.

Tuesday: We had to drop a family that we were teaching, so sad ): but, we just don’t have time to keep teaching people who aren’t going to keep their commitments, hopefully in a future day other missionaries will teach them and they’ll be ready.

Wednesday: AHH!!!  Our investigattor that is not of christian backgorund SAID HER FIRST PRAYER WITH US TODAY!! Holy cow we’ve been trying since JUNE to get her to pray in the name of Jesus Christ, and she finally did today. I cried, it was beautiful, she starts with “Bapa di Surga” (father in heaven,) and then all of a sudden she stops and opens her eyes and says, WAIT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY?!? It was so cute, we just told her to pray from her heart, to thank heavenly father for her many blessings and ask Him if our message is true, if she really needs to follow this path and if Jesus Christ is really her Savior (‘:  she’s been reading the book of Momron this whole time, and she said something way cool about it today, she says “I really understand, the book of mormon is easier to read, it’s so clear.” And we’re like “that’s the spirit helping you understand!” today we taught her about revelation and how the spirit speaks to us. I love her so much, and I know that because she is acting and actually reading the book of mormon and NOW SINCE SHE’S GONNA PRAY TO HEAVENLY FATHER IN CHRIST’S NAME !!  (: (: (: she will for sure start to develop her faith in Jesus Christ. 
I am so grateful for the Indonesia Jakarta mission, I have the opportunity to teach people who don’t even know who Jesus Christ is, it’s hard,, don’t get me wrong, but it’s really special.

Also tonight we taught Pak J and bu S again. SHE FINALLY READ LIKE 2 PARAGRAPHS FROM THE BOOK OF MORMON!  That’s a miracle!!  She hasn’t even touched it these past few weeks we are making progress yall. Bapak is still amazing as ever, he is so excited to learn and he says he gets that good feeling every time we teach. (‘:  can you believe that he’s on the SAME STREET as our miracle contact? In fact, THEY SELL LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, like so close, soooo close. ANNND before we even met our miracle contact we have an investigators house that is LITERALLY. RIGHT. ACROSS. THE STREET. WHAT.  Do you know how many times sister angelie and I passed this street??!?!?  A MILLION, we NEVER stopped to talk to the people across the street AND THEY. WERE THE ONES. WHO WERE PREPARED. WHAT!!!!
Ugh I just want to punch myself for not opening my mouth MONTHS ago, it’s a testimony builder that I cant judge a book by it’s cover, I have to talk to everyone bc God knows who His elect are, not me, I don’t get to decide, but I know us missionaries are responsible to talk to all of god’s children cuz heavenlly father literally just places them in our paths without us even knowing!  Missionary Work is so cool

Kamis: I forgot what happened this day..  #DayintheLife3
Tanggal 17 Agustus is coming up!! That’s indonesia’s independence day!! Holy cow, our neighborhood is even more lit, so the people here they’ll close off the roads to little kampung’s (neighborhoods) and they’ll have these things called Lomba Lomba, which are cute relay races and it’s so hilarious to go  outside our house and see cute old grannies tying like, vegatables to themselves (for some reason, it’s a part of the game I guess) and run around.  So now bc the roads are closed to our house we have to find shortcuts to avoid the little parties its funny.

Friday: WE MET SO MANY COOL PEOPLE TODAY,holy cow, so, we spent all morning filling up the baptismal font for YOU KNOW WHO’S BAPTISM(((: so that was fun and then, ALL OF OUR APPOINTMENTS CANCELED, so we’re like, well crap, now what are we gonna do.  We went and saw Sister Y (miracle contact) we had to finish her lessons so she could be ya know BAPTIZED (can you tell I’m excited?) but throughout the day we kept meeting the coolest people, and me and sister ratu would both get the same feelings to talk to the same person and I know that was the holy ghost guiding us to them, we met this one guy while he was eating and he’s like, oh you’re mormon?  Hebat, hebat. (awesome awesome)  I have a book of mormon too and I’m searching for a pure religion, and we’re like, uhhh HEY so we got his number for the elders, and then at the park tonight there was this lady sitting on the bench
Okay yall the struggle is real, the thing that kills missionaries on the field is fear, it’s the devil’s strongest tool, you all know me, I cant ever shut up right, but when it comes to park contacting, I GET SO NERVOUS and all these thoughts like,”youre gonna sound like an idiot, she’s gonna think youre weird, she’s probably not even christian gini gini gini” pop into my head, and I become afraid!  Ugh, I know those feelings arent from god, and I Know that as missionaries we need to FEAR NO MAN, but it can be so hard sometimes, but thank goodness I have my awesome companion, and she’s like , come on just talk to her, so we did, turns out her husband just that day was searching the internet abouot the Book of Mormon (hopefully good things)  and we’re like,  Here have one or your own!  And he was so excited!  He’s catholic but he says he likes learning and he’s open to here what we have to say. COOL HUH! What a day, and tomorrow is going to be the BEST DAY EVER !! (:

Saturday:  Miss Miracle got baptized (‘:  what a miracle, the holy ghost led sister ratu and I to find her, the holy ghost and the power of the book of mormon softened her heart and she decided she wanted to follow the example of jesus christ. (‘:
After she was baptized she went up and bore her testimony she said, “I know this is the true church, I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and Thomas S. Monson leads us today.”  It was beautifully simple and I know at that moment Heavenly Father just poured out his love to her, cuz afterwards she couldn’t stop crying! It was beautiful (‘: 
My Patriarchal blessing tells me that the way will be opened for me to serve far from my home, and that I will feel happiness as I see the light of the gospel enter into people’s lives and that I hold in my hand the happiness of generations unnumbered. I’m not sure what that all means, BUT, I know I’m glad that I decided to serve the Lord.  This is His work, no way did me and sister ratu do the work for Sis Y.  (yall should’ve heard our first lesson giving the 1st vision we BUTCHERED it hahahaha)  but it’s okay, Heavenly Father wants us to learn and grow everyday,  I’ve become a better teacher, and it’s such a miracle, before in Bogor I would just sit and wait for my turn to testify, but now siter Ratu and I are testifying together and teaching together, it’s a miracle.
Yes missions are  for God’s children, but seriously, your mission is about that one convert, and that is you.  The saying, when you lose yourself, you find yourself is 100% true.
Now, I’m not saying I’m perfect, no way jose, but, I know that I must devote my life to the Savior, because he gave his life for me.  Enduring to the End doesn’t mean to just be a Sunday mormon, I know that when I get home, I have to be a better person, I have to be a disciple of Jesus Christ for the rest of my life. And I know that’s the easiest way for us to go through life, with the living gospel of Jesus Christ.

Oh ya, also on Saturday we had the COOLEST “coincidence”.  So we met this one guy who had met the sisters before months ago, so we planned a lesson with him, we couldn’t find his house ANYWHERE dia ngga jelas sama sekali -_-‘ so we’re asking all these ppl and they’re like, just ask the ibu RT so we did and she’s like COME IN COME IN AND EAT, and we’re like, okay, (indonesians are literally the most caring people ever) she gave us food, she’s definitely not christian so we’re like, do you have any christian friends?  She only knew one, and she immediately took us to him, cool.
We meet the guy, he’s like, OH I’VE HEARD OF YOU IVE READ THE BOOK OF MORMON COME IN. what. So we try to explain more who we are (cuz we’re not sure if he met with jehovahs witnesses instead… ngga jelas… (not clear)” but he just kept going on…. And on…. And on… all churches are the same… as long as you have faith.. gini gini gini… so FINALLY he let me talk, and I testified that our church is different and unique and that we have a living prophet on the earth today, ( I kinda got the same feeling as I did when we taught that mean pendeta (preacher)) like, how do I explain this… like… POWER FROM ON HIGH, seriously, and so he finally stops talking and lets us testify and his SON was listening in the other room and grabs the book of mormon from his dad and the restoration  pamflet and is like, I don’t really have a set church, and kept asking questions and we’re going to teach him on Tuesday! So cool! You never know who’s listening! 

Missionary work is awesome. I have a favorite quote from the talk “The Riccardi Letter”  “whenever fear starts to creep up, open the book of mormon and read, and it will remind you of who you are.”  Amen. 3 Nephi 5:13 “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.”
aMEN to that!  Have a nice week yall, don’t forget who you are! (:
Sunday: a normal proselyting day, church was great of course because sis Y was confirmed a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, AND SHE BROUGHT HER FRIEND!  And we’re gonna meeet and teach her friend on Tuesday COOL HUH already a missionary (‘: 

i forgot to send the second half of my email lol.  WELL IT'S ALREADY LONG ENOUGH i swear i had a spiritual message at the end.  here's the last

"Missionary work is awesome, I have a favorite quote form the talk "The riccardi letter"  "Whenever fear starts to creep up, open the book of mormon and read, and it will remind yuo of who you are."  "Behold I am  a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." amen to that, oh that's in 3 nephi 5:13 btw

remember who you are and have a nice week!

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