Sunday, August 20, 2017

Happy Independence Day Indonesia!

Hey friends and family what's up?

HEY all you Avatar las Airbender  fans, you know the Rock King of the Earth kingdom?  King bumi?  do you know what bumi means in indonesian?  EARTH.  


Monday: normal day we taught bu S and pak J.

Tuesday: we taught Mbak M she's so amazing and is reading the book of mormon and doing her homework, she just hasnt come to church yet, so we will work on that.

#dayinthelife:  I dont know if i've told yall this, but in indonesia lots of times we have to eat with our hands!  only with your right hand tho cuz the left hand is considered dirty cuz sometimes in bathrooms especially if it's a squat toilet and they dont have a hose to you know... clean yourself lol.  YOU GOTTA USE THE BAD HAND !  crazy huh, but dont worry i bring tissues everywhere just in case that happens!!

Wednesday: WE HAD THE MOST AMAZING INCREDIBLE LESSON EVER!!!!  so last week sister ratu and i were tots led by the spirit to find Pak D. we finally got to teach him the restoration. he's so cool, he is not satisfied with the bible at all, he thinks there is something missing, he believes that we all lived before life here so he's like, "but wheredoes  that say that in the bible?!?!"  he wants to know God's name he wants to be closer to him, but no churches have his heart here.  THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG.  Literally, i have never felt the spirit like that before in a lesson.  ya as misisonaries we have to teach by the spirit, but most of the time I'm like.. uhhh i sure hope this thought is from the spirit uhhh i sure hope this investigator is feeling it cuz i'm not sure, but this time I WAS SURE.  
so after we shared our message we told him of how important it was for him to start reading from the book of mormon to find out for himself and to pray, we invited him to pray right then and there and ask god and then to just sit in silence and listen to the feelings that come to his mind and heart.  WE SAT IN SILENCE FOR 15 MINUTES WHILE HE PRAYED TO HIMSELF.  F I F T E E N MINUTES!  it was so cool, when he opened his eyes his eyes were all watery and he said he felt peace, we told him thta's how the spirit works, and that he'll feel that way when he ACTS!  
we had to give him to the elders tho, it's better that they teach him but it was a blessing for me to be able ot be apart of that lesson, when i feel the spirit that tangible it's like a little love tap from heavenly father telling me i'm alright with him (:

thursday: HARI KEMURDEKAAN!!!  It was indonesia's independence day!!!! so awesome!!!  there was a fun party at the church! i send pics.  also we had a miracle afterwards at english class.  we are teaching this one girl who is not christian englsih, we asked if we could go to her house and share a message.  she said sure, the atmosphere wasnt very good to teach about jesus when we got there we didnt want to offend her family so we just left her with the plan of salvation pamfet hoping hs'ed read it by ehrself.  usually that never ends up happeneing UNTIL THIS NIGHT she came up to us and is like
"I read the book you gave me, i'm still confused, but i want to talk about it."  (by the way her father has already passed away)  she says it's better if we just meet at the church and teach her (': isn't that a miracle???  pray that sister ratu and i teach with the spirit ya!!

Friday :  PAK J COMMITED TO BAPTISM, it was awesome it was so funny, he's like, "wait... being baptized twice isn't a problem?"  no bapak, as long as your baptized with proper authority that's what's important (: so cool.  now he jsut needs to come to church.

I'm out of time, my alphasmart is broken so this email is gonna be short.  
I learned a lot about faith this week, Moroni 7:33 has been in my heart this week,  "For Christ hath said, if ye will have faith in me, ye shall have power to do whatsoever which is expedient unto me."  isn't that so powerful?  I love the book of mormon!! it gives me so much hope when times are hard.

Read it, and pray about it, ponder it, and apply it's teachings.  I lvoe this gospel, i love indonesia and i cant wait to find more people this week and teach these beautiful truths! (:

1) my mom sent me Castiel (my fave character from Supernatural (: )
2) LOMBA LOMBA which is like... different kinds of games for independence day!  
3-4) some of my favorite members (':

1) us and sister Y (:

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