Monday, September 11, 2017

Sorry, no time!

literally, it's like taken 12 billion years for the internet to load!!! we've had to go to two warnets!! so sorry this email is crap i'm so irritated hahah.

the work is slow we're still trying to find, we're still preparing Pak J for baptism so that's good.  I lvoe the lord, I'm so grateful for prayer and for this gospel it is true, i'll send you my spiritual thought next week, cuz i aint got time rn.  I love you all thanks for the support and love. 

these didnt happen this week but i feel bad my email was so poo poo so heres some old photos for ya

1) MTC group reunited again 7ish months later!! (:
2) my best friend sister patton(:
3) that one time we went to a cool budist temple
4) riding through the streets of malang
5) my bestie again
6) that one time like 5 months ago when my ibu surprised me in malang! (:

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