Sunday, April 30, 2017

6 months!

Woah, last week did i forget to press send on my group email? whoops. haahha sorry yall!  
has it already been six months??? crazy!  time flies!!
So this week was slow too, we have 5 new investigators, and we had a MIRACLE.  Our most "potential" investigators are Alex and his family, I havent even taught them yet because theyre always busy!!!  Sister Angelie and I decided to jjust show up at his house (BC THEY NEED TO BE TAUGHT.) and hes like, oh.  i'm leaving. sorry my families climbing the mountains right now too and oh we're going to jakarta this sunday so we cant come.  cool.   So then we're in church and the Elder's investigators were getting confirmed members of the church and after the prayer i open my eyes and BAM alex is sitting in front of us!!! it was awesome!!!!!  His family came too!  (hopefully when theyre done being "busy" we will teach them soon")  
2 funny stories for this week.
1.  We were going to contact a referal we receieved.  It's this old lady named ibu Isan.  We get to here house and she's outside while we're on the outside of her gate.  We ask her politely if this is her house.  She slowly walks into her house and shuts the door....... we're like.....  WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO TELL HER WHO WE WERE hahah it was so funny,  the rejections were so real this week.  So sad for them.  We just have to keep finding!
2.   A MOTORCYCLE CRASHED INTO ME WHILE WE WERE BIKING. ahahahah it was so awesome! we were heading towards the church and I was singing "come thou fount"  when all of a sudden BAM, I'm totally fine, i feel more bad for the lady who ran into me from behind, i looked down and she was on the ground with her bike, i didnt fall or anything, i dont know how she didnt see me!  maybe my skin just blends in with the darkness of the night (;  all of these secruity gaurds ran out to help get my bike and stuff, and it was so so funny,  they know that i'm a bule (foriegner) so they're like "crap. she cant speak indonesian"  so EVERYONE is jsut staring awkwardly at me not knowing what to say,  and i cant ask "Hey are you okay? to the lady"  because theres not a translation for that in indonesian!!! ahhahaha so i'm like "maaf maaf maaf maaf!!" over and over again (like saying sorry)  it  was just so funny and awkward and i awkwardly made my way back over to the side of the road.  
Okay and I have a little spiritual thought for you guys too.  Me and Sister Angelie's companionship study are always so awesome, our personal studies always relate to each other even when we dn't plan it!  So yesterday after church when we were studying I was reading in 1 Nephi 21 where Nephi starts reading from the brass plates or the words of Isiah to his brothers.  I was so confused, even though i'm a missionary sometimes the scriptures still dont click in my brain right away! but the one scripture I did understand was verse 16  "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;.."  isn't that the most beautiful thing? Sister Angelie studied in Moses, where moses was tempted by Satan, but Moses knew his identity. He knew he was a son of God, so he was able to overcome the temptation.  From what I learned from these things is that, our individual worth is so great in the eyes of God. We are literally His children and because Christ suffered for us, because we are literally embedded in the palm of His hands, with the knowledge of our Saviors love and our identity as children of God, WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING!  I love my Heavenly Father so much, I know He will never give up on me, my prayers are answered everyday when I read the Book of Mormon, I know that it's the word of God!  I love my Savior, I know I can rely on Him through the hard times on my mission because this is His work and He knows everything I struggle through!  
This church is true, Christ lives and this is HIS church restored again on the earth!  
Next week we have zone conference!  I'm so excited to go to Surabaya again, I hope you all have a great week, good luck with finals, and all the other crazy stuff in life!   
Sister Sulasri and her cute kids! LI

Monday, April 24, 2017

This title is lame and so is this email, (Hannah's words!) or another week I forgot to email this letter to my parents.(mom's words)

I really dont have a lot to say this week!  The work here is super slow,  Sister Angelie and I did have an adventure in Surabaya on Monday and Tuesday,  we had to go on a weird split thing, so we were  a trio with Sister Nuku in Surabaya, its this big city like 2 hours away from Malang.  Surabaya is HOT it's called the city of 2 suns, but luckily it rained!
I'm still loving malang tho!!!  Everyday when we try to find people we bike for hours and the scenery is BEAUTIFUL literally we go on fun adventures everyday!!! 
The members here are sooo hilarious i love them all to pieces!  i love love looooooove my companion, I couldn;t do this with out her!  Yeah, this email is super lame i am so sorry hahahah,  hopefully next week the work will have sped up a bit and I can have something to talk about!
I know this Church is true, that's why i'm still here even through the hard times.  God lives and Christ is His only Begotten Son .  I love the gospel with all my heart, I am so thankful for the Restoration, i am so thankful for Joseph Smith.  Have a nice week everybody!

1) LOOK WHO SURPRISED ME MY FIRST SUNDAY IN  MALANG! MY IBU!!! (Mother/Trainer) Sister Jatmiko!!! <333
2) my cute new district!
3) I'm only cute on Sundays hahahah BUT LOOK AT THIS PUPPY
4) ANOTHER SICK VOLCANO (we're going to a volcano next pday so guess who's pumped ME)​​

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Gunung Berapi

HELLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I AM IN MALANG AND I AM LOVING MY LIFE. You guys, malang is AMAZING. okay. gunung= mountain api= fire ber=(makes words a verb) so gunung berapi is like a mountain that fires........ AKA VOLCANO

I am SURROUNDED BY VOLCANOES HERE ITS SOOOOOO COOL!!!!! also, I'M SO SORE FROM RIDING A BIKE ALL WEEK OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! Look up Malang on google yall it's so beautiful, i am so excited to serve here!!

My new companion's name is Sister Angelie, she's from......... BOGOR hahahh i know all of her family!!!! She totally reminds me of my sister Kianna, she's sassy just like her, and i'm learning soooooo much faster in indonesian with an indonesian companion, i'm so happy T__T I am so so happy here it's great!!

The work here is very slow, but that's okay, friday, we spent ALLLLLL DAYYYYY contacting on our bikes, oh, and Malang is FULL OF HILLS LITERALLY EVERYDAY WE'RE CLIMBING HUGE HILLS ON OUR BIKES oh myg oodness its so tiring i better have model legs after this area oh my goodness. So yeah, we're really focusing on finding and trying to talk to as many people as we can until we find that ONE person ready to accept the gospel

I have a little spiritual thought: so, as much as i've been loving it here in malang, of course there are going to be trials, Saturday we went to teach this cute Oma, her husband didn't want to listen, we taught the restoration and invited her to get baptized. Of course, her response was something i've heard a million and 12 times on my mission. "but i've already been baptized, i already have my own church, every church is christ's church not just the mormon church etc" i started to cry. hahaha, i was so sad, this week had been the longest ever, i was sooo tired so drained of energy (i have a chest cold so that didn't help either) so here i am sitting in a lesson crying of frustration too, her husband started going off on us so that didn't help either, here were my thoughts. "Heavenly Father, i'm trying to be the best servant i can be, I'm trying to do your will, I'm doing everything i can to be a better teacher so these people will understand why they need the gospel of Jesus Christ, and all we get is rejection in return, what else do i have to do, i'm so tired of this."
So the next day, after church sister angelie and i studied, I read in Mosiah 24, this is where i am in my readings, nothing special. It's about the people of Alma, and this sassy king or leader Amulon forbid them to pray! He threatened to kill them if they prayed. the scriptures say in verse 10 that so great were their afflictions (hey that sounds like me) that they began to cry mightily to their god. even though they knew it was forbidden they still prayed in their hearts, they showed their faith! they knew Heavenly Father loved them and would answer there prayers in the midst of their afflictions.
The lord answered their prayers and said "Lift up your heads and be of good comfort... I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs." In verse 15 it then says
"and now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon alma and his bretheren were made LIGHT! The lord did STRENTHEN THEM that they could bear up their burdens with ease!"
ISN'T THAT SO BEAUTIFUL??? The Lord doesnt take away our burdens, but through the enabling power of his atonement, through his grace, he can strengthen us, we CAN overcome anything and our burdens can be made light!!
My testimony has been strengthened AGAIN aobut how real our Heavenly Father is, how aware he is of ME, he knows what i feel and he's sad when i'm sad, and when i feel like i need an answer to my prayers, i can literally just open up the book of mormon and BAM there it is! I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God! I know we can find strength and comfort through reading the words of the prophets of old! This gospel is so cool! I love it!

So, now I know that I just need to keep going! I am doing my part, I need to keep my flame of faith burning and one day we will find that one special person who is ready to accept this beautiful message of hope! I love my savior and i love my heavenly father and i am so grateful that i can serve them here in malang. This chruch is true! I know that Jesus Christ LIVES, come unto Him, He's waiting and He wants to help you! To heal you, to love you! (:

Have a nice week! How was your Easter? Easter feels a little weird in this country... but that's okay, I love it here!

2) Giant volcano
3) this volcano started smoking after i took this pic, i have a video of me crying bc i thought it was the most beautiful and cool thing of my life hahhaa maybe it will load next week
4) Sister Angelie! <3

Sunday, April 9, 2017

I kissed a girl (GRANDMA) and I didn't like it!

Okay, before i tell you about my smooch with this grandma last night I have some news.  President is a sly fox and even though he asked me at pld if i wanted to stay in Bogor (and of course the answer was yes) I'M BEING TRANSFERED TO MALANG TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!  I HAVE TO FLY BY MYSELF AND i'm a little stressed, but it's okay.  I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M LEAVING BOGOR!!!!!  Bogor will always have my heart, I cried so hard yesterday saying goodby to all of our beautiful members here,  they have literally became my family!!!! it's so crazy!!!! wahdu I didnt think i'd be leaving my first area so soon, but it is what it is, the Lord wants me in Malang with Sister Angelie.  I'M GOING TO RIDING A BIKE NOW!  HAHA IT'S TIME TO GET SKINNY YALL.   All the missionaries told me my first week here, "oh you're gonna gain so much weight in Bogor so sorry"  NOPE,  I'VE LOST ALL OF MY MTC WEIGHT HERE AHAHA,  
Okay so now about my title, this is the funniest thing that's happened to me in a long time.  So.  We met this way cute lady on an angkot like 2 weeks ago her name is Ibu Ifon, so we finally got to meet her yesterday.  We introduced the book of Mormon to her and her 2 kids and her Mom (Miss kissy grandma)  and her brothre (WHO LIVES IN MALANG AND IS GOING BACK THERE SOON, so guess who got his number so we can meet again ahaha)  Ifon was so happy we were there, she cried in her prayer and she seems so interested to learn from the new sisters who are coming to bogor.  so we were saying goodbye, and her ein indonesia you "Salam"  so you do this weird dead fish hand shake, or wiht girls you go from side to side and kiss each other on the cheek or just smash your cheeks on each others, (i hope i explained that well)  SO. the grandma comes up to me, and i thought we were just gonna do the cheek thing, it got so awkward. so fast.  she grabs my face and just PLANTS ONE ON ME HAHAHAHHAHA it was sooo long it was like a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwha!  and hse has no teeth and like rubbed her lips on mine i wa slike WHA TTHTE HECK!!!!  I  WAS DYING INSIDE OH MY GOODNESS, i haven't been kissed in a lonnnnng time let alone BY A GRANDMA,  i guess she must've been really feeling the spirit or SOMETHING, ahahahhahaha oh my goodness, funniest experience of my life.
Next with some news with our investigators, FANA HAS MADE HER BAPTISMAL DATE!! WE HAVE A BAPTISM COMMITMENT AHH!!!!  and now i'm leaving ._.  It's fine,  as long as the other Sisters finish teaching Fana the lessons!  It's so great,  Sister Davis and I have been working so hard, and honestly it's hard when you go out everyday and it seems like no one here wants to accept our beautiful message!!  Its so sad!  So many people here are lost!!  but when you work hard, and you do the things you're supposed to and trust in the Lord, He makes up the rest!  I'm so glad Fana has the desire to get baptized,  and I can't wait to meet new people in Malang and share my testimony with them!
Yes we watched conference, it was in indonesian, i  didn't understand anything ahahhaah,  there's my bahasa skills for yall, but it's okay,  i want to print off some today to read on the plane ride tomorrow!  I'm so grateful for living prophets and apostles how wonderful is our church?  I know all of our leaders are called of God, and i Know the things they've challenged to change in our lives is counsel from God,  i hope we all can ask ourselves everyday, what we're lacking or what we need to work on, how we can draw nearer to god in our lives.  The closer to God we are the happier we will be!  
I'm not really sure what else to add in this email,  I'm really really REALLY going to miss Bogor,  I lvoe the people here, I love the members, i've made so many new friends that I will cherish for forever.  I'm excited for a new adventure though!  every city in Indoneisa is so different from each other!  Next week im sure ya'll will get a dramatic email from me about the new bugs and food and crazy new experiences!  Missions are awesome!  and FAST.  YOU GUYS I'VE ALMOST BEEN SERVING FOR SIX MONTHS!! WHAT?????  I still feel new!!!  Wow crazy,  I love you all and I can feel your prayers!  Thank you all for the encouraging words and love, it really strengthens me every week and helps me remembre why i'm here and why i'm serving.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ,   He loves you.  He LOVES YOU.  I could understand the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at least (;  and I was filled with the spirit as they sang the hymns about our Loving Savior and Heavenly Father,  they're words brought me to tears.  I think the most that I understood from Conference was to not wait to repent, repentance means to change!  To align our will with God's so we can be happy!  we dont ahve to be burdened by sin, or mistakes,  and through our trials the Savior will lift us!  He will, I know He will because He lifts me everyday on the mission.  I testify that Christ lives!  and I know our Heavenly Father wants nothing more than our happiness, and our happiness can only come through Christ!  have a nice week!  
1)  We crashed Bogor 2's ward council meeting bc they wanted one more picture haha!
2) Brother Satria and Sister Virly and Moses,  they're the best ward missionaries always helping us out!
3) Kathrin and Mutia  I'm going to miss them so SO MUCH (Mutia has been called to serve in New Zealand!)
4) :'(  my favorite member ever, this is Sister Sari, (she reminds me so much of my aunt april) She's literally my mother here ))': you bet i cried saying goodbye to her lol
5) Brother Ezra, he's literally the best person ever (he used to always take us missioaries EVERYWHERE for pday hahaha)  and his english is rad

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The flame of faith

Okay, so this week was full of miracles.

Investigators:  FANA Wants to get baptized!!!  We haven't set a date yet, but this week we're hoping to teach her 3 times,  she doesn't know a lot about our church but she likes the way she feels when she attends!  ALSO her sister is married to a member!  (whos not active)  BUT she's our nw investigator too!!!!!  Can you imagine how beautiful it would be if we helped her husband come back to church and he could baptize his family!??!?!  so so so beautiful.  That's what we're hoping for, and we're praying that ibu Kristin and Ibu Rosita and Wice will come watch conference this saturday and sunday.
oh yeah,  we watch conference a week after yall because it has to be translated into Indonesian!  I'M SO EXCITED, I hope you all loved hearing from our prophet and the apostles of the Lord!!  Our church is so cool! and so true!
PLD:  yayyy!!!  we spent friday night and saturday day in Jakarta!  We learned sooo much and honestly i felt a little overwhelmed with our training, my head was like:  WOAH DO I NEED TO REPENT OR WHAT HOW CAN  I DO ALL THESE THINGS HOLY COWWWW.  I get stressed easy lol.  BUT.  My mom just sent me a quote from President Hinckley:  "(Something about not being negative about yourself),  Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the lord will accept your effort."  Isn't that beautiful?  I know i have soooo many things I need to work on, but if I just try  my best to keep improving everyday I know the Lord is proud of me, and he'll make up the rest so its okay!!  That's a life long principle I hope to remember always.   The main thing that stood out to me at PLD was"The flameof Faith"  I think that's what i've been missing!  Honestly these past (almost 6 months what)  I've been trying overcome depression and anxiety and it's been frustrating because missionary work doesn't get easier hahaha,  I honestly feel like i've been just going through the motions, but now  I know,  the things I do everyday,  the people I try to talk to everyday, obeying all the missionary rules has a purpose!  The flame of faith in my heart needs to drive me to act in faith, to trust that whatever happens will be okay because this is the lord's work!  I thought that was cool, i want the flame of faith in my heart to turn into a BONFIRE 

Spiritual Thought:  I read the most amazing and life changing talk this week,  "Strength in the Lord'' by Elder Bednar,  he discussed about the enabiling and redeeming power of the atonement.  If we look in the Book of Mormon there are countless experiences of prophets praying for strength in their situations.   Like nephi or Almaa.  they don't ask the lord to take away their burdens, but to have strength according to their FAITH.  It's so cool!  I challenge you guys that when you pray, and you feel  like your burdens are too much, pray for the enabling power of the atonement to lighten your burdens.   Christ knows everything that we feel everyday,  his atonement can give us the strength to endure anything!!  
I can really say sincerely now, that I am truly happy to be serving here in Indonesia.  Life is hard, but the Lord is here with me every step of the way!!  transfers are coming up, and we're pertty sure Sister Davis is moving to Jakarta, so in a week and a half I might have a new companion, which means I'M LEADING THE AREA WHAAAAT.  Everythiing we go through we experience for a reason, to learn and grow and come closer to Christ.  I hope you all have a great week,  I know this church is true, that's why I'm still here even though its hard!  There are so many people that need this gospel, that need hope in their lives, I hope you all have the desire to be examples to others and help them come unto Christ too(:  Sampai nanti ya!
1)  My cute District in our cute matching Rok dan Dasi made with Batik!
2) here's me walking down  a regular indonesian street 
3) when it's hot 
4)  classic Indonesia