Sunday, January 1, 2017

Selemat Tahun Baru!

WOOOOOAH, I can't believe by the end of this week I'll be in Indonesia for a MONTH!  CRAZY!  GILA!
Okay. I promised that I would give all of you more details about EVERYTHING.  
1. Indonesia is so beautiful, it's so green, it's so HOT, and the people are so amazing!  I've been so humbled here, in realizing how blessed I've been to be raised in America, with an abundance of food,  and WARM SHOWERS,  speaking of food..... EVERYTHING HERE IS FRIED I AM SO UNHEALTHY AND THEY DON'T HAVE NORMAL MILK HERE CUZ THE COWS ARE TOO SKINNY so I"m coming back in 16 months as a grandma.   The food is sooo good though, BUT IT'S SO SPICY I DIE EVERY TIME I GO TO A MEMBERS HOUSE AND THEY FEED ME SOMETHING SUSCPISIOUIS 
also, my english is terrible, and i don't have time to fix my mistakes so YA UDAH.
Speaking of bahasa, its coming along...  my companion's english is really good so everyone in our house speaks english to me.... and i still can't understand most people in indoneisa... so we'll see how things go when my Ibu leaves in 2 weeks and I get another Ibu.  (Ibu is mom in Indonesian, and since my companion (rekan) is my trainer I call her mom and I'm her child lol)  and ACTUALLY Sister Royalnce who lives in our house is my SISTER,  she was Sister Jatmiko's 2nd child.  hahaha sorry if that doesn't make sense.
OKAY OUR INVESTIGATORS, (Simpatisan)  We are teaching all the time, whether they're progressing simpatisan, or not,  or members (anggota)  or less active members, our goal each week is 15 pelajaran (lessons) a week!  So we're always on the go.
This week's miracle: HAN HAN CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OH MY GOODNESS, IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING,  BC NO ONE WANTS TO COME TO CHURCH.  He's been an investigator for 3-4 years AND HE'S FINALLY GETTING BAPTIZED ON JANUARY 15TH,  if he stops smoking.  He's 18.  (EVERYONE MALE IN INDONESIA SMOKES,  YOU SEE 8-12 YEAR OLDS SMOKING HERE IT'S SO SO SAD!!)  So Han Han is literally just a miracle and HE'S TAUGHT ME!  I've learned from him HOW SPECIAL and HOW MUCH WE MEAN to our Heavenly Father,  HE LOVES US SO SO MUCH.  And if we will just try to overcome the natural man by becoming Saints through our Savior's atonement WE CAN RETURN TO HIM AND BECOME LIKE HIM!!  3 Nephi 9:13-14  the Savior is LITERALLY PLEADING for us to just COME TO HIM, HIS ARM OF MERCY IS REACHING OUT TO US!! It's such a beautiful REALITY that we really CAN BECOME BETTER PEOPLE! IF WE JUST TRY!!!   Oh i love this gospel so much and I love how much I'm learning, I don't know if missionaries have new spiritual powers or something but I'm learning things like I've never before in my entire LIFE.  ESPECIALLY from the Book of Mormon,  the Book of Mormon answers the questions of my SOUL and when I feel like I have NO IDEA what I'm doing in a foreign country trying to bring people unto Christ,  I find comfort and peace in the Book of Mormon.  I'm so grateful for it and I know it's true!  I testify that the Book of Mormon really WILL bring you closer to Christ!
One quick miracle,  we went to visit a less active member apparently she's super stubborn and most missionaries have no luck with her.  So Sister Jatmiko is talking to her friend and I'm trying to understand and talk to Sister Hargtika... I COULD UNDERSTAND HER,  (she was talking relatively slow for me) BUT STILL, and she was SO SWEET and I was my crazy self, making her laugh and smile and ya know, just being a friend to her,  AND THEN, she wanted to see a picture of my family and I start showing her my pictures, and she's like,  ''Wow, you are so happy to be here, and you're so far away from your family, why are you so happy?"  AND BOOM THE SPIRIT'S LIKE "BARE YOUR TESTIMONY GIRL!" and I was like.  WOAH. OKAY!  I just told her that of course I'm happy!!!  I get to share this wonderful gospel to the people of indoneisa who REALLY NEED TO KNOW that families can be together FOREVER,  and then Sister Jatmiko starts baring her testimony too and I ended with Alma 5:26 and we invited her to FIND her testimony again!!  I LED A LESSON, WHAT, IN INDONESIAN!  MIRACLE!!! The spirit works with me in a way I never expected as a missionary,  If i'm obedient, and study my scriptures and rely on the Lord and just TRY MY BEST,  the Lord qualifies me in the very moment that I need it!!  WOW THIS CHURCH IS TRUE THE SCRIPTURES ARE TRUE AND OUR SAVIOR LOVES US!! HOW AWESOME!!!  Seriously, being a missionary rules, and I hope you all have a Christ centered week,  Seriously, we owe it to Him to think about Him everyday, He's done a lot for us!  I love you all!  
Sampai minggu ya? (:
-Sister Rowntree
2) Sister J and I choregraphed a dance for the relief society ladies for our Christmas party haha!!

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