Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Okay, I know I promised I'd email good this week.... but I spent all my time skyping my beautiful family.. so next week I PROMISE, I'll write an epistle and actually send pictures!!  I'll just tell you what the best Christmas present I received this week was.  Sister Jatmiko and I had plans to try to visit Ibu Desi and Ibu Lily and share a christmas mormon message, but all of a sudden Sister J was like... Let's go see Sister Leni first.  Sister Leni's son was there with his wife who isn't a member.  and it turns out His wife (Ibu Intan) has been WAITING for missionaries for forever!!  But no one has gone by to visit her!! and she WANTS TO GET BAPTIZED SO SISTER J AN D I WILL TEACH HER AGAIN ON SUNDAY AND SHE'LL PREPARE TO GET BAPTIZED FOR JANUARY 28TH!!!!! A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!  LOVE YOU ALL!!!  Merry Christmas!  The church is true, our Savior Jesus Christ lives and our Father in Heaven LOVES US! <3

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