Monday, December 19, 2016

No time to email again... 2nd week in Indonesia


I will tell you one amazing miracle that happened this week,  
So we have two wards in bogor,  and ward 2 had a christmas party,  we tried to get all our investigators to come but there were excuses from ours.  BUT other missionaries in our district brought there's!  SO.  The Elders had two investigators named John and Jimmy,  they knew UVU and could speak some english!  But John asked me,  "Why do you even want to be here in Indonesia on a mission?"  (some back ground info)  My indoneisan is terrible and i can't understand ANYBODY in Indonesian.  Like, this past week I made a goal to open my mouth BUT I WAS TOO SCARED ALL WEEK!!!  Not good.  That's definitely satan putting doubts in my mind, i really need to work harder on that... BUT ANYWAYS.  All of a sudden, when John aske dme that question, all of my fear left me and i confidently bore my testimony!!  IT was simple but all I said were along the lines of " This gospel lmakes me so happy,  having the knowledge that I can be with my family for forever makes me HAPPY.  The people of Indoneisa NEED this message in their lives, they need to know they ahve a SAVIOR who DIED for them, who makes everything possible, and they need to know they have a Heavenly Father who LOVES them etc.."  usually wehen i speek bahasa i'm sooo slow and terrible, but in that moment Heavenly FAther gave me the strength I needed to bare my witness of Him and His Son to JOn and Jimmy.  
I know this work is real, and it's the most important thing I can do in my life.  I know the people of Indoneisa NEED this message of hope, I know, because without the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life I have NOTHING, i am NOTHING and I have nothing to hope for!!  If you don't know, COBA (try)  pray to your father in heaven for guidance, I promise he is there he is WAITNG FOR YOU TO COME UNTO CHRIST.  
I love being a a

missionary and I love everyday in INDONESIA!!  It's CRAZY!!!  I'll have to share my stories nanti (later)
hati hati dan SELEMAT NATAL!!! <3 
-Sister Rowntree
1) Makanan Indonesia 
2)Last Pday with my beautiful companion Sister Jatmiko
3) I'm fat and I'm getting fatter #MissionLife
4) It was so beautiful to eat "American Food"

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