Sunday, January 22, 2017

We've gotta nother one!

HOLY COW. HOLY HOLY HOLY COW.  okay.  I'm like, the worst at telling you all about my investigators.. maaf...  BUT KIREI IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SUNDAY WHAT AJKFJAS;DFJLA;F SJ;DLJF LSFJ;AS F MIRACLES.  
Okay okay okay.  Last transfer I was in Bogor 1,  and the other sisters were in Bogor 2, so they started teaching Kirei first, but last Sunday,  Sister J and I happened to teach her at a members house cuz she was there (she may or may not be dating a member, so i'ts pretty dramatic acutally)  and when Sister J invited her to be baptized on the 29th she's like "nggat... terlalu cepat, saya nggat siap"  aka. NO.  BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN WE GET A CALL FROM HER (maybe member boyfriend)  AND THE RELIEF SOCIETY PRESIDENT (oh yeah cuz now, I'm in Bogor 1 and Bogor 2, so now I have double the investigators)  "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US KIREI WAS GETTTING BAPTIZED THIS SUNDAY,"  and we're like (me and sister DAvis)  WHAT?!?!!??!  UHHHHHHHHHHH
CRAZY HUH!!!  She's totally had a change of heart, and she doesn't want to wait, even though her family doesn't support her!  So crazy.  So beautiful.
OKAY AND THEN,  we have Anita.  I don't remember if i've told you about her..... BUT SHE'S LITERALLY PERFECT,  she went to and SEARCHED FOR MISSIONARIES TO COME TO HER, So Sister j and I happened to be in Bogor 1.  She's been taught all the lessons and believes everything! She's amazing!  Except............................................ she won't come to church.  So her baptism keeps getting pushed back further and further, cuz she has to come to church 3 times before she can get baptized and she's only gone once.  I dont know why. and it's very stressful, because my 1st mom has gone home and now it's like WOAH HERE'S SOME RESPONSIBILITY AND FIGURE EVERYTHING OUT.  It's like my investigators have become my CHILDREN, AND NOWWWW WE HAVE /DOUBLE/ THE INVESTIGATORS.  Missionaries have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to do.  It's very difficult but I know this will help me in the long run to become more self reliant and organized, (mom you'd be so proud of me)  ((except I forgot my planner yesterday at church, WHO FORGETS THAT!?!?)   THAT'S how stressed I've been lol.

uhhhh I was so stressed this week  I didn't take any pictures WHOOPS  ( I'll try to send a couple of videos in another email okayyyy)

BUT HAN HAN IS NOW BROTHER HAN HAN AHH!!!!  He was confirmed a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints yesterday.  I cried.  I'm such a baby.  But in reality I"m just so blessed to be serving in the best country in the world!  I love love LOVE being a missionary.  AND WOAH.  I TAUGHT GOSPEL PRINCIPLE CLASS YESTERDAY IN INDONESIAN TOO.  So I guess you can say the gift of Tongues is real (;  
Wow.  I just love this work.  I love my Heavenly Father, and this week I received another witness of how real our Savior is.  Nothing huge happened,  but just from getting to work, and being busy all day and trying to help as many people who will listen come unto Christ, and BEING APART OF THIS AMAZING WORK, helped me realize how REAL Christ is. I love Him.  And I'm so grateful that our Heavenly Father loves us enough to give us a way to return to Him again.  All we have to do is Live Like His Son <3  wow.  so cool.  LIFE IS GREAT.  Have a great week! (:

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