Sunday, January 15, 2017

Han Han's Baptism!

OHHHHH MY GOODNESS.  This week was DRAMA.  Like... on a mission, you kinda do the same thing everyday right?  So when things that don't seem "that big of a deal''  are a HUGE DEAL on the mission.  Like for example....  we're waiting for transfer calls AND IT TOOK FOREVER to receive them AND EVERYDAY ALL OF US SISTERS IN THE HOUSE WERE DYING, we were SO dramatic.  
Drama #1.  We're preparing Han Han for his baptism right?  Last week he went 5 days without smoking, and I think it was Wednesday and Sister Jatmiko and I had this awful feeling cuz his phone wasnt working and he just went back to school with all his crazy and highly influential friends, so we went to his house to check up on him,  and he had just BARELY. LIKE LITERALLY 10 MINUTES BEFORE WE GOT THERE, smoked one cigeratte, we were DEVASTED, WE WERE LIKE. HAN HAN. YOU'RE GETTING BAPTISED NGGAPAIN!?!?!?!  (what are you doing)  Sister Jatmiko literally just stayed silent and just sat there trying not to cry or explode so I had to teach the short lesson and ask him what else we could do.   but everything was fine, Han Han told us (because a few days earlier he received a blessing to help him stop smoking) and he's like,  " it felt so weird.... I felt awful after I smoked... I never want to do it again.''  and he really really didn't,  he is a literal miracle, I have SEEN the change of his heart and his mom has too. 
Drama #2  Sunday,  Han Han's phone isn't working and we don't know if he is ready or not for his BAPTISM,  cuz he has insomnia so when he finally sleeps its so hard for him to wake up, so Sister J and I are just STRESSING TO DEATH, and when we finally get out of the anggkot, we look up and BOOM THERE'S HAN HAN DRESSED IN /CHURCH/ CLOTHES ON THE BACK OF BROTHER ARNOLD'S MOTERCYLE, we literally SCREAMED FOR JOY AND RAN TO CHURCH
And then the biggest miracle of the week,  Han Han, who at the beginning of December when I first started teaching him "wasn't ready to be baptized yet,  "i need to know more etc..""  (we actually thought his mom would get baptized first, but she started having doubts again)  Han Han's dad is buddhist too, and he's said he doesn't like that religion, and he only liked the Mormon religion and as each week passed by as we kept teaching him, he REALLY REALLY started to change,  It wasn't sister J or me at all,  the HOly Ghost truly pierces the soul with truth, and Han Han REALLY decided for himself that he wanted to follow our Savior Jesus Christ.  
I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve here in Bogor Indonesia,  there ARE people in every country, in every city, looking for truth, whether they know it or not.  And we HAVE the truth.  What a wonderful thing.  I testify to all of you that you can ALL be missionaries just by your example,  love every person you see, see people the way your Heavenly Father sees them.  Heavenly Father chooses the weak and simple to do His work,  it's so easy for me to doubt myself, but all of us as children of God need not to doubt,  but trust in Him.  Trust in His plan,  we have a SAVIOR who wants to help us get through whatever trials we have in life.  And I know that's true because I see miracles everyday on my mission.  Me silly Sister Rowntree CAN bring people unto Christ because Christ is here with me every step of the way.  And kids like Han Han can have a change of heart.  I'm so excited for the next however many months I have left to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.  I'm so so so blessed for this opportunity, and  I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than here in Indonesia at this time of my life.

oh yeah.  My first transfer is done, Sister Jatmiko is leaving tomorrow )):  I'm so sad, she is so amazing and I'm truly giong to miss her.  Sister Royalance is moving to Solo  (IN SISTER JATMIKO'S WARD WHAT)  and Sister Davis is staying AGAIN (SHE'S BEEN HERE FOR 7 MONTHS WHAT) and there will only be 2 Sisters (me and Sister D) in Bogor and 4 Elders.  TYes, a BULE, is finishing up my training (white person in Indonesian)  Who knows what the Lord has in store right?  so NOW I"m in BOTH Bogor wards, which means double the ward members and double the investigators and now my area is HUGE.  These next 6 weeks will be an adventure that's for sure!!!  Have a nice week everyone,  remember your Savior everyday!
1)  HAN HAN!! (: <3
1-4)  Han Han's cousin and Aunt  (His mom didn't want to come see him get baptized ):  )

Sister Jatmiko dan Saya (:

Literally my favorite children here in Indonesia <3

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