Monday, September 25, 2017

11 months down!

Woah it’s already Monday!! I havent written a thing yet!!  Waduh, this last week aka my first week in surabaya was CRAZY LIKE. CRAZY. It went by so fast, i’ll tell ya why.

Monday: got to surabaya had no time to unpack did lots of things, it was hot, packed for MLC.

Tuesday: woke up at 4 IN THE MORNING to leave for the airport to jakarta for my first MLC missionary leadership counsel.  MLC started at 12 til 9:30 AT NIGHT. Waduh.  I had anxiety like until 5 cuz in my head i was thinking (holy cow, i’m with all the leaders of the mission i’m not a perfect missionary yet, what am i doing here?!?)  but the lord has called me and i will do his will and he just wants me to do my best, I stopped getting anxious around 5 when it was mine turn to roleplay contacting in front of everyone.  (ya i thought i was gonna die being with all these way experienced missionaries) but the lord strengthened me and the spirit was really strong when i testified, it was really cool and it answered my prayers knowing that, ya no way am i a perfect missionary but as long as i have the spirit and doing my best that’s what matters.
Sister Rowley made us wayyyyyy yummy food too.

Wednesday: traveled back to surabaya from Jakarta, had BML (branch mission leader) meeting to discuss stuff, and then we went to work.

Thursday: Interviews with President Rowley and Round Robin with Sister Rowley. AND THEN WE PLAYED FUTSAL AS A ZONE!!!!!! (soccor)  IT WAS SO FUN I ACCIDENTLY KICKED THE BALL IN SOME INDO’S FACE IT WAS SO SAD BUT HE WAS FINE.  Holy cow indonesian’s are sooo good at soccor. It was so so so soooo fun. (the only reason we could play futsal is if we made our goals, every companionship in the zone had to get 2 investigators to church AND WE DID IT! (those who didn’t had to give up their pday lol but we all still got to play!)))  it was awsome!

Friday: PLD! Aka Zone Conference, as an STL we have to give the spiritual thought, and Sister Hyde and I thought talking about how to handle rejection and not letting it damper your faith was perfect because the theme for zone conference this time was “Having the FAITH to teach repentance and baptize converts”  in the indonesia jakarta mission we teach repentance and baptize converts, but first we need the faith to do so.  We read from D&C 6 where the lord tells us that if we’re rejected in his name blessed are we! 
I remember being new on the field and if i was rejected rudely by someone i’d take it so personally and it would bring me down, but we have to remember that the savior was PERFECT and even HE was rejected everyday!  I know he’s been through everything we have and that’s why we can turn to him.
We also had to role play again in front of everyone and once again the spirit was so so strong, I always like doubt myself before i have to roleplay, even in real life when we’re teaching i’m always doubting if i have the spirit, but i know that i do.  I’m really grateful for these new experiences and opportunities that i’m having, they’re really really helping me stay closer to god and the spirit and being more in tune.
Sister hyde and i are doing just fine she is the best, she’s a great singer and loves broadway too, we sing all the time together and we can harmonize!  Also i just made her her last planner for her mission and i put temples on it and a cute couple thats getting married cuz hse’s going home soon hahaha.  ALSO I HIT 11 MOTNHS TODAY WHAT.
Saturday: uhh....  THIS LAST WEEK HAS BEEN IN SANE SO WE HAD TO FIND ALLLLL DAYYYY LONGGG. We had found no investigators at all this week! So, we went out and we talked tO EVERYONE. Lieterally. I was so exhausted by the end of the day, but sister Hyde and I are SO in tune with the spirit! It’s so cool, we will both get these feelings to like stop our bikes and turn around enter into one gang or talk to some random person, she is still trianing me on how to become an stl too and she’s helping me llearn so much about beingg BOLD.  Alma tells his son to be bold but not overbearing somewere in the book of mormon and that’s what we have been doing.  Please pray for us to find god’s elect, we are working so hard, and we have made a goal of having 2 baptisms by the end of this month BC WE HAVE FAITH YALL. We are going to sprint til the end of sister hyde’s mission that’s forsure.  I know we’ll find them.

Sunday: the little teeny tiny branch i’m in is amazing. I love the members already. Also in relief society we discussed a talk from last general conference about that perfect light that grows brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

There were three things.
1.the light from church
2. the light from the gospel
3. the light of Christ
This world is getting darker and darker by the day.  I’ve heard that america is just absolute crap rn.. it’s so sad, sometimes we tend to ask ourselves, wow is god really here?  Where is the goodness in people? But i know that he is.  Because He sent his son for us.  And his light is everywhere, and through church and his gospel we can stay spotless from the world.  You followers of Christ, remember who you are, and remember the convenants you’ve made with your heavenly father, we have the priveledge and it’s our responsibility to stand out from the world, to be different, to let the light in christ in us shine forth.  Don’t be afraid to follow christ, in this terrible world, it’s the only way  to happiness, it’s not easy. But it’s worth it.  I know he loves us and all he asks us to do is follow him.
Life is good!  The mission rocks! I love my heavenly father and my savior!  Keep trying, don’t give up and turn to him!  Love Sister Rowntree

Sister Hannah Rowntree
Indonesia Jakarta Mission
Jalan Senopati 115
Kebayoran Baru
Indonesia 12190

1) MY OLD DISTRICT OF MALANG )))':  lol it's way funny cuz we were matching loool
2) got to see sister ratunuman again!!! (:

Monday, September 18, 2017

I got transferred and I'm now a Sister Training Leader!

Here's my  short spiritual thought that really touched my heart from last week.  This applies to everyone, no matter where you are or what you're going through.  Somewhere in Matthew in the bible, i think it's like chapter 14 or something,
 there's the story of Jesus walking on the water,  to make things short, His disciples were on the waterr for a very long time, it says until the 4th watch, and then there's that crazy terrible storm.  you all know the story, Peter tries to walk out o
nto the water.  His goal was to reach the Lord in the midst of the storm.with his faith he COULD walk on the water! but then he remembered his trials or afflictions (or whatever we're suffering through in our lives) and he starts to sink, he gets scared
, takes his eyes of the Lord and loses faith, but did Christ just let him sink? No, it says he IMMEDIATELY reached out his hand.
"O ye of little faith."
sometimes in life we have to work and pray and labor with all dilligence through the day or night(like how enos prayed all
 day and night) or until that fourth watch.  and sometimes we do lose our faith we forget to keep our eye towards the savior always, but we have to remember th
at Jesus is still there for us to pick us up.

I've learned in my life here especially on the field that sometimes the mountainous wavees will come crashing into our lives.  Sometimes Heavenly Fathe
r will quiet the storm, and sometimes He'll let the storm rage on to bring faith, peace and understanding to our souls.  He usually ca
lms the Sailor, and that happens when we turn to our Savior and don't forget Him.  

Sweet Shrimp paste, it is Friday night and i haven't written a THING on this alphasmart about this week, lol oops, but this week has just been kinda eh

we leave the hosue this morning at 10 am, we're already hitting the streets on our bikes, i get a call, i see it's from our mission president. i freak out.  he
 says he wants to talk to me and my comp, but we had to wait til we got to church.  i speed up to sister ratu on my bike
"WHAT?!?!" now we're both freaking out (transfers isn't until like another 2 weeks,((i've been telling myself that i might move cuz i've been in malang since April but i d
idn't want to jinx myself))) we speed to church.  Call President back.  Turns out he's on the phone with our district leader too at the church, so we're all on
 speaker phone with Presiden
"Elder there's gonna be some changes in your district...."
he tells us what new elders are coming.
so we know 2 elders are leaving then he goes.
"Sister Ratunuman.."  *dramatic pause*  *HOLDS BREATH*  

"Sorry, sister ratu, you will be finishing sister so and so's training."  o.O 
"so.. where am i going President?"
"Sister Rowntree you're going to be moving to Surabaya and become the new STL (Sister Training Leader) *drops and dies*
"When am i leaving malang?" 
"Monday."  IT'S FRIDAY!! WHAT!!
I hope this was as dramatic when  reading as it was for me.  Yup. I'm moving to Surabaya, or the city of SEVEN. SUNS.  i've literally been in the coldest cities my entire mission, say goodbye to my skin and say hello to misses Akon cuz i'm going to become african safari black. waduh.
also my first MLC (Mission Leader Conference) is on tuesday so that's going to be fun, i'm a little nervous tho, i still feel like i don't know wha
t i'm doing, but I will do the lord's will,  I dont think i'll have time to write much when it's actually monday cuz i'll be leaving that day!  so ya, there's that. interesting day.

I'm so excited to be here, Sister Hyde is my new companion and she's been a Sister Training leader for like 6 and a half months and this is her last transfe
r! I'm killing her off as she dies here in Surabaya(i'm her last companion, #missionslang) i'm going to do everything that I can to learn everything that I need to from her, cuz in 7 weeks, I have to lead this area 
and train the new sister training leader. no pressure. tomorrow we go to Jakarta for MLC, it will be good to see old friends and learn even more!  Time for new adventures!

This church is true, I love being a missionary and I'm doing just fine here, I hope you all are preparing yourselves for General Conference this next mont
h!  I know God still speaks to us today through His duly appointed servants, I know it's another way that God shows us that He loves us!  Thanks for all the love and su
pport yall, have a good week!(:

-Sister Rowntree 

1) last time with the elders
2) Last time with sister Y )':
3) the girls
4) my Malang mothers

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sorry, no time!

literally, it's like taken 12 billion years for the internet to load!!! we've had to go to two warnets!! so sorry this email is crap i'm so irritated hahah.

the work is slow we're still trying to find, we're still preparing Pak J for baptism so that's good.  I lvoe the lord, I'm so grateful for prayer and for this gospel it is true, i'll send you my spiritual thought next week, cuz i aint got time rn.  I love you all thanks for the support and love. 

these didnt happen this week but i feel bad my email was so poo poo so heres some old photos for ya

1) MTC group reunited again 7ish months later!! (:
2) my best friend sister patton(:
3) that one time we went to a cool budist temple
4) riding through the streets of malang
5) my bestie again
6) that one time like 5 months ago when my ibu surprised me in malang! (:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

No pics cause I smashed my camera.

Hey friends, gimana kabarnya?

I forgot what happened Monday, so I’ll skip to tonight.

Tuesday: wahhh!! We had the BEST lesson tonight with Mbak K (Sis Y’s friend)
She is reading the book of mormon and she had sooo many questions like, “whats the urim and thummin” (im sorry I cant spell gospel terms in english anymore)  “why did nefi have to kill laban?”  and all these great things, she cant come to church this week cuz she’ll be in batu for 3 days, but keep praying for her so she’ll come next week.
Here’s sister rowntree’s journal entryr from tonight. “Heavenly Father is amazing. The scriptures are amazing. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!  I’m so glad I’ve been studying more diligently and trying to memorzie new verses each day. It’s so fun using the BM to answer questions. The book brings POWER to our lessons. I learn something new everyday that I read. Heavenly Father is so good!”
I hope you all will try to read the scriptures more, I always feel so much closer to god when I do.

Thursday: it’s the night before Hari Raya again, where the non christians will SACRIFICE goats and cows. THERE ARE GOATS AND COWS EVERYWHERE, and I heard they do the sacrificing inside the buildings they pray in, I’m not sure but also I hear that we can watch. Sister Ratunuman is stoked. I’m going to close my eyes and plug my ears, we will see how it goes tomorrow.

Friday: Holy cow. Literally, like 7ish in the morning the neighborhood girls come to our house and their like “sister sisters!!!  Come watch the kurban!!”  (sacrifice.) yup, literally 3 doors down they sacrificed a goat on the side of the road, sister Ratu watched, I stayed within eye sight from her by the Ibu Ibu’s who were too afraid to watch it too, and ate my oatmeal.  Crazy.  We are hoping to go see the cow sacrifice tomorrow morning. I’ll pass but Sister ratu can enjoy for me.  It makes me too sad.  And I saw a cow head just chillin today while we were trying to find our new investigators house, that was enough for me, I almost passed out lol.
But, it’s actually really cool, you know the old prophets used to give sacrifices right?  But we don’t need to anymore because Christ sacrificed himself for us, now, of course the other main religion in Indonesia only believe Christ was a prophet so they still follow the old ways, and also they don’t just sacrifice for fun, buying Goats and cows is so SO expensive, so the peole who are able to buy the meat they  share it with the poor, so literally, everyone who usually neever gets to eat meat, gets to for this one day. It’s really special and these people are just full of love.

We never did see the cow sacrifice sister ratu was too scarred from the goat haha.

Sunday: PAK J AND BU S CAME TO CHURCH!!!!  SUCH A MIRACLE!!  It was also fast Sunday so sister ratu and I fasted for our investigators of course, so it’s Sunday morning and we’re just taking our time getting ready and reading scriptures when all of a sudden pak j calls and he’s like “where are you guys? We’re waiting for you!” and we’re like AHH!!!!!  (:  so exciting, Pak J also BORE HIS TESTIMONY ABOUT THE BOOK OF MORMON IT WAS SO CUTE,  it was really funny too he was so nervous, but I’m guessing this man is just so in tune with the spirit he just had to go up and share his feelings.  We taught them twice this week I think, and Bapak is still loving the book of mormon, and his baptismal date is on the 23rd of September!

This week I’ve been trying to focus my studies on developing christ like attributes and developing more faith, cuz if you have faith, hope and charity, “you will always abound in good works” and that’s my greatest desire now, to do the Lord’s will, to keep moving forward having hope through the atonement that one day all will be well and I will become like my Savior. It’s hard, I am so sassy, and impatient but that’s why we can repent everyday to take it one step at a time to become more and more christlike.
“For behold, that which is from God is light, and He that receiveth light and continues in God receveith more light, and that light grows brighter and brighter until that perfect day.”

I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon, it is full of light, because it is truth, and when I’m feeling down or feel like giving up I just have to open the book of mormon and start to read and it reminds me of who I am, and what I’m here for.  I feel so so much closer to Heavenly Father when I read from the Book of Mormon, I know that He really does know me personally and loves me.  I hope you will all search for God in your life too.
“God is real.
He lives.
He loves you.
He knows you.
He understands you.
He knows the silent pleadings of your heart.
He has not abandoned you.
He will not forsake you.”
Live in Faith yall, do everything you can to gain that testimony I promise you that this is Christ’s restored church and I know that he lives. And I know that he loves us. 
Have a great week.
Sampai Jumpa
-Sister Rowntree